Having the ball in your court

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

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I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


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Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


para entender realmente lo que dice la gente al decirme eso.

No podía entender cómo la vida puede poner la pelota en mi cancha incluso cuando ni siquiera estoy en el campo de juego en ese momento, esta fue mi experiencia temprana en la vida hasta que crecí y entendí que eso ha sido con la pelota todo a través sin saber dónde jugarlo o cómo jugarlo.

así que la pelota está realmente en mi cancha, como me dice mi padre, pero a veces es difícil decidir hacia dónde jugar la pelota o hacia qué lado lanzar la pelota.

Confíe en que ha estado vagando desde lo que estoy hablando y seguro que no se trata solo del juego de cuero redondo que sí jugará, no todos (lolz), ¿cómo se siente ahora?

Pero ahora que lo pienso, ¿alguna vez has estado tan abastecido en medio de la toma de decisiones, donde ya no sabes qué hacer, especialmente cuando ves a ambos lados como una ventaja y tal vez como una desventaja también, pero simplemente tienes para ir a por uno, imagine la importancia de la toma de decisiones en la vida.

Fui mentor de una manera que me dijo que la vida se construye y se coloca en base al nivel de decisiones que toma esa vida, fue una muy simple en la que también entiendo que nuestras decisiones en la vida tienen un largo camino por recorrer. nuestra vida, aparte del hecho de que todos vivimos basándonos en el nivel de decisiones que tomamos

Las decisiones también tienen poder para hacernos o deshacernos.

Imagínese que ha sido stock y tiene que hacer uno, imagine que le han dicho que la pelota está en su cancha y usted tiene que decidir hacia dónde va la pelota o cómo dispara la pelota, sabiendo muy bien que tendrá un largo camino por recorrer. tu vida, pero de todo, te recomiendo encarecidamente que, independientemente de cómo pueda ser la vida, siempre debemos tener cuidado de cómo vamos a tomar decisiones en la vida.

No permita que nadie se apresure a lanzar el tiro, incluso cuando tenga la pelota en su cancha.

para que eu realmente entenda o que as pessoas estão dizendo ao me dizer isso.

Eu não conseguia entender como a vida pode colocar a bola no meu campo mesmo quando não estou nem no campo de jogo naquele momento, essa foi minha primeira experiência de vida até que eu cresci e entendi que tudo estava com a bola. sem saber onde jogar ou como jogar.

portanto, a bola está realmente do meu lado, como meu pai me diz, mas às vezes é difícil decidir para onde jogar a bola ou de que lado vou atirar.

Acredite, você tem vagado desde o que estou falando e com certeza não é tudo sobre o jogo de couro redondo que vai jogar, nem todos (risos), como você se sente agora.

Mas, pensando bem, você sempre esteve tão estocado no meio da tomada de decisões, onde não sabe mais o que fazer, especialmente quando está vendo os dois lados como uma vantagem e talvez como uma desvantagem também, mas você só tem para ir para um, imagine a importância da tomada de decisão na vida.

Fui mentor de uma forma que me diz que a vida é construída e colocada com base no nível de decisões que essas vidas tomam, foi uma forma muito simples em que também entendo que nossas decisões na vida têm um longo caminho a percorrer nossa vida, além do fato de que todos vivemos com base no nível de decisões que tomamos

decisões também tem o poder de nos fazer ou quebrar

Imagine ser um estoque e você tem que fazer um, imagine ouvir que a bola está do seu lado e você tem que decidir para onde a bola vai ou como você chuta a bola, sabendo muito bem que ela terá um longo caminho pela frente sua vida, mas de tudo eu recomendo fortemente que, independentemente de como a vida possa ser, devemos sempre ter cuidado de como vamos tomar decisões na vida.

Não deixe ninguém apressar você para fazer a tacada, mesmo quando você tiver a bola em seu campo.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

Posted via proofofbrain.io


hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in our life's

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me decision making goes a long way in

Posted via proofofbrain.io


ost times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was >my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, >Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has >been very proflic and good and thier are lot of things that we have gotten to know and learn from it,but of all,we just nhave to understand that no matter how hard it mind be will just need to be very careful of what decision will make cause to me >decision making goes a long way in our

Posted via proofofbrain.io


ce untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

Most times I hear the ball is in your court , honestly it was hard for me to actually understand what people are saying by telling me that .

I couldn't understand how life can put the ball in my court even when am not even on the field of play at that moment,this was my early life experience untill I got to grow up and understand that that have been with the ball all through without knowing where to Play it or how to play it.

so the ball as really be in my court as my father do tell me,but at times it is hard to decide where to play the ball to or which side will I shoot the ball.

Trust you have been wandering since what am talking about and sure it is not all about the round leather game that will do play,not not all (lolz),how do you feel now.

But come to think of it ,have your ever been so stocked in the midst of decision making ,where you no longer know what to do , especially when you are seeing both side as an advantage and maybe as a disadvantage also,but you just have to go for one, imagine the importance of decision making in life.

I was mentor in a way that tell me that life are been built and placed base on the level of decisions that those life makes,it was a very plain one in which I also understand that our decisions in life has a long way to go in our life, aside from the fact that we all live base on the level of decisions that we make

decisions too has power to make or break us

Imagine been stock and you have to make one, imagine been told that the ball is in your court and you have to decide where the ball goes to or how you shoot the ball, >Knowing fully well that it will have a long way to tell on your life,but of all I strongly advise that irrespective of how life might be ,we should always be careful of how will make decisions in life.

Don't let anyone rush you to shoot the shot , even when you have the ball in your court.

This is just a very good one and it will help in terms of making nus realiase that decision making in life is very important and vital,but we just have to be very careful and mindful of what to decided onnat the point not making decisions In life,I want to also say that life on it own has >been very proflic and good and thier are

Posted via proofofbrain.io


juego en ese momento, esta fue mi experiencia temprana en la vida hasta que crecí y entendí que eso ha sido con la pelota todo a través sin saber dónde jugarlo o cómo jugarlo.

así que la pelota está realmente en mi cancha, como me dice mi padre, pero a veces es difícil decidir hacia dónde jugar la pelota o hacia qué lado lanzar la pelota.

Confíe en que ha estado vagando desde lo que estoy hablando y seguro que no se trata solo del juego de cuero redondo que sí jugará, no todos (lolz), ¿cómo se siente ahora?

Pero ahora que lo pienso, ¿alguna vez has estado tan abastecido en medio de la toma de decisiones, donde ya no sabes qué hacer, especialmente cuando ves a ambos lados como una ventaja y tal vez como una desventaja también, pero simplemente tienes para ir a por uno, imagine la importancia de la toma de decisiones en la vida.

Fui mentor de una manera que me dijo que la vida se construye y se coloca en base al nivel de decisiones que toma esa vida, fue una muy simple en la que también entiendo que nuestras decisiones en la vida tienen un largo camino por recorrer. nuestra vida, aparte del hecho de que todos vivimos basándonos en el nivel de decisiones que tomamos

Las decisiones también tienen poder para hacernos o deshacernos.

Imagínese que ha sido stock y tiene que hacer uno, imagine que le han dicho que la pelota está en su cancha y usted tiene que decidir hacia dónde va la pelota o cómo dispara la pelota, sabiendo muy bien que tendrá un largo camino por recorrer. tu vida, pero de todo, te recomiendo encarecidamente que, independientemente de cómo pueda ser la vida, siempre debemos tener cuidado de cómo vamos a tomar decisiones en la vida.

No permita que nadie se apresure a lanzar el tiro, incluso cuando tenga la pelota en su cancha.

para que eu realmente entenda o que as pessoas estão dizendo ao me dizer isso.

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hacer uno, imagine que le han dicho que la pelota está en su cancha y usted tiene que decidir hacia dónde va la pelota o cómo dispara la pelota, sabiendo muy bien que tendrá un largo camino por recorrer. tu vida, pero de todo, te recomiendo encarecidamente que, independientemente de cómo pueda ser la vida, siempre debemos tener cuidado


juego en ese momento, esta fue mi experiencia temprana en la vida hasta que crecí y entendí que eso ha sido con la pelota todo a través sin saber dónde jugarlo o cómo jugarlo.

así que la pelota está realmente en mi cancha, como me dice mi padre, pero a veces es difícil decidir hacia dónde jugar la pelota o hacia qué lado lanzar la
