
Should I call it my proofofbrain birthday... 😁.I think saying that too is not really a crime, honestly today makes it a perfect 100 days have been a member of this great community,I was not able to write anything on the 50th birthday of my pob account due to the challenges I was facing outside Iife...uhmmm life goes on anyway

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But it's quite good to be here once again fully and engaging, honestly it wasn't an easy one being a member of the community as alot of things as actually come and go in the space of 100 hundred days, definitely we all know it is not an easy task at all being a regular in the community especially when you have things to attend to in the outside world.

My experience so far as been really wonderful and interesting , ragging from quality of content that have gone through,the calibers of people have met here on hive and that have communicated with too via discord channel too,to be very honest if not for the community, the numbers of people have met today,I wouldn't have know them hundred years too come.

So it is not a crime if I called the community the nation connectors πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I did a content of recent in which I participate in a contest organized by @wiseagent where I talked about how far have come, honestly the content speak little of what have faced so far in the community ,but also the tittle is just a reflection of what have learnt and passed through in the last hundred days.

The last hundred days as really be up and down for me,but I want to say of recent I gain my strength back through some engagement platform in the community raging from #pobstreet organized by @insight.pob with @onealfa and also of recent I got to see the #pob-wotw by posted by @scohlaris too and among others which as sincerely keep me busy and engaging so well of recent,I must be honest that things has went well and they have go wrong too ,but honestly it as been a wonderful experience to have be a member of the community


Nothing good comes in life without a test and definitely my challenges here is not really the happenings on pob here,but the fact that the outside world too as indeed kept me tight and busy of recent,but nevertheless lot of things as indeed makes getting recognition in the community hard,as getting rewards for work down is something too hard at first,not to even talk of being a new writer in the world at large,it wasn't an easy task getting upvote and recognition in the community that has Millon of people in it and even great writer already.

To be honest I struggle for upvote and recognition,even was trying to write ✍️ all I can do just to get the attention needed too in the community,but of a truth it was clear that it is not about writing too to get know by others,but thier is greater rewards for having quality content and high numbers in terms of engagement too which comes with interacting with other community members.

Inspite of all this I never give up at all,I still keep doing my thing and hoping to be better some days

Thier is no rewards at all for those that gives up in the middle of the battle.


Definitely I have things to be happy about, especially the upbuiding of been a writer which joining the community as indeed give to me,things like the avenue of getting to know great people too, honestly I will give some writer's an accolades for doing so well and will also love to say that thier writing as indeed inspired me to always want to do more.

@vikbuddy and even to this ever present contsitent @anacristinasilva and Many more to mention,I must be very honest that aside the whales in the community you people as indeed given me the moral to keep ongoing too.thanks for always coming by to write and even upvote comment under your post too.

Of all I have indeed learnt that with hard work and consistency everyone time will come and of all staking too is one thing every users must fot,cause it has a way of making a user too get more recognition and value in all the communities.

Indeed my first hundred days as been full of ups and downs,but sincerely have indeed Learnt alot in the community too,it is a well deserved 100 days to remember always.

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Hi @houseofdavid . Nice read. I hope to make my 100days lesson soon. Thanks for sharing your experience.


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