RE: The Truth About Free Energy - The Forbidden Technology of Nicola Tesla

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If I try to complete the thought of what a world with freely available energy would look like and all obstacles would not exist, what would be the result? Would we then have paradise on earth? Would all earthlings be equal in their living conditions and opportunities? Would they be free from oppression and sorrow? What if that happened?

Wouldn't the eternal cycle of death and birth then be obsolete?

Would people's suffering cease if they had free energy from now on? What would we do with it? If we were freed from the work of providing ourselves with a home, electricity, and making ourselves stooges of those who currently supply it to us, with what would we fill our existence? Would we want to stop inventing things, creating problems? How could that be, since we are human beings with a permanently moving mind and spirit?

Spontaneously, I have nothing against such an existence on a small scale, but on reflection I find it impossible that our earthly life would then still proceed as it does at present. Perhaps we would physically cease to exist if there was no longer a need for constant balancing between the creative and destructive forces. Who wants to know what would happen on an unconscious level? Since this is bar of a perfect imagination, a situation that transcends the mind, I am not sure if it is an uplifting or suffocating view.

To me, all redemption scenarios that are preconceived for the "whole world" seem rather suspect. A paradise for "all", such only seems possible to me in thought, but not in terms of matter and the different space-times in which every human being is embedded, which are clearly different from others.

A life without suffering, that too seems to be an impossibility, ... it is probably only possible not to increase suffering unnecessarily, not to do harm unnecessarily. But from my point of view it cannot be completely eliminated that life also means suffering and pain.

Bliss and a life without poverty of spirit or matter seems to me to be a utopia that cannot occur for everyone at the same time and in the same way.

And thinking further: if we were provided with free energy, what would our relationships be like? Isn't being dependent on each other an important bond between us human beings? What if this were no longer necessary?

I must confess that the belief in extraterrestrials who pursue both good and evil intentions seems very human to me. An influence that could pursue such human intentions of withholding free energy from us or making it available to us, I associate with the desire for redemption through a non-earthly power, which for me has a link to Christian-influenced thinking. I do not condemn this, but I do not share it either.

Wouldn't free energy nevertheless be something that would be available for destructive as well as constructive forces? And, if I think about it that way, what difference would it really make for us humans? Wouldn't it rather accelerate the processes that are going on anyway? What do you think about that?
