Be who you are, and never apologize for being like this"

Most people want to be noticed by other people, and many times they end up apologizing simply for being really that way, for acting transparently, for saying everything they wanted to say at that moment, they prefer to cancel themselves than the other .


You are the first plan, so try to value yourself, do not accumulate regrets, regrets, and only apologize when your mistake, stop walking against yourself. You are a special being who also needs care, attention.

I remember how many times I canceled myself to satisfy the other person, and I always canceled it, canceled it, it was when I discovered that I was living what others wanted for me and not what I wanted myself, and that generated a certain sadness because I thought I needed to have everyone by my side, but it’s not like that.

I'm glad I woke up in time to change ...

Do not apologize for having to go against what the other expects, life is yours and nobody needs to impose what you want, do not be afraid to break all expectations that are not even yours, for navigating to the rhythm of your own heart , although against the flood of boring normality ... you live inside yourself and only you know the way you want to live.

Do you know those environments that bore you? Do those people know that there is only fatigue and emotional toxicity in them? Don't be sorry to get out of these environments, you need places that feel good, people that make you better and not worse.

You just need to understand yourself, disconnect from those who only know how to criticize and curse your patience, but when you need it doesn't even show up to help you.

Donate yourself but don't expect anything in return ...

We have the habit of giving ourselves to others hoping to receive something in return, but if it is to alert, advise, and if you are sure that it will help to save someone you love ... do it without fear, but do not allow to find the that person A or person B must do, everything has a limit.

Don't be sorry for everything that your essence overflows out there, only you know everything that has gone through, and everything that still has to go through to get somewhere. Learn that nothing in life happens by chance, and you need to understand that, everything can get out of your control, but you must remain confident.

Don't try to apologize for the clothes you wear, for the color of your hair, for the shape of your body, that's you ... your essence belongs to you. Choose your profession without fear of what they will say, you are the one who will walk the path.

Your essence, your soul ...

Remember to set limits, do not apologize for acting with your own sanity in mind, for yearning for peace of mind, for the silence that guides you. Do not apologize for breaking paradigms, for breaking standards, for contesting, for shouting for your right to be real, but without hurting anyone along the way.

Nobody has anything to do with your dreams, they are yours, life is yours, the world is your limit. Keep those who offer good things close by, sow peace, smile and follow!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. ❧

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i never apologize for being who i am. however sometimes in order to reach somebody you really want to reach you have to meet them on terms they can deal with. for instance if you want to try to convince somebody you like not to take the "vaccine" it won't work just saying you are against it. you must accept the reality of their world and work from there

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I'll never donate myself, but I do practice sharing and giving.

Being genuine is a thing that most of us forgot since early childhood. Good article. Upvoted.


Yeah, this is realy true

Most times, we forget to love ourselves and focus on other people too much

At some point we get lost, and we don't even know what we want anymore

It is better than we stop trying to fit into the mold that other people set for us

we should try to be ourselves, and not apologize for doing that

Then we have to learn to separate ourselves from toxic people and associate with people who have positive affinities.

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Yes, very true .. We have to be happy to be who we are and not try to please others too much and forget about ourselves.

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I am happy I could relate and understand you perfectly

Cheers to being who we are and being happy at the same time

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