And when ideas do not arise?

I don't know about you, but there are times when ideas don't come up, it seems that my brain is just burning neurons .. lol and ideas don't come up, it seems that good ideas always come up suddenly, like lightning.


Creativity needs to be exercised "

Something that I have learned along the way is that creativity needs to be exercised, and exercising the brain is essential to be more creative and acquire skills to put into practice, we just need to acquire it.

There was a time when I was in doubt thinking ... Could it be that good ideals are exclusive to those who only have a natural gift? Are they the result of people who have had access to a more elaborate formal education that makes them think more creatively?

In fact, good ideas are available to everyone

One certainty I have today is that good ideas do not come out of nowhere, they do not come from beyond, the creative process is a sudden one. We think that there is any moment, at any given moment, in an outbreak of inspiration, a brilliant idea may arise, but this is not the case, since many ideas are dormant and are in a process of hibernation in our brain waiting for the correct connection is made so that it shows up.

The most important ideas take time to evolve and spend a dormant period before they materialize ...

The more mental connections you make, the more likely you are to have good ideas. Therefore, we must always seek environments and people that favor our constant development and improvement of ideas.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. ❧

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