Get Respect with These Easy Steps to Convey Intelligence - Part 1


Get Respect with These Easy Steps to Convey Intelligence

You might be intelligent, but do you prove it?

No matter how intelligent you are, you may fail to communicate that to others. This short article is going to arm you with a bit of knowledge on how to convey intelligence.


But first, (since we are here) What is proof of brain?

Everyone has and uses a brain, but not everyone always shows proof of brain.
Proof, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “1. a) the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact. B) the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning”

Brain, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “1. the portion of the vertebrate central nervous system enclosed in the skull and continuous with the spinal cord through the foramen magnum that is composed of neurons and supporting and nutritive structures (such as glia) and that integrates sensory information from inside and outside the body in controlling autonomic function (such as heartbeat and respiration), in coordinating and directing correlated motor responses, and in the process of learning.” (now that is a brainfull)

I’m not about to open my skull to show proof of brain, so I’m glad to say that Merriam-Webster also defines brain as: “2. INTELLECT, MIND. 2) intellectual endowment”. Things were getting a little Hannibal Lecter-ish for a second. Thank you, Dictionary.


Intelligent people often go unnoticed or worse, seen as dim-witted, while unintelligent people often appear sharp-witted. Even the most scholarly can, at times, fail to present intellectual capacity. Social perceptions matter.
Lets get you started on your intelligence projection. We are going to think about how you:

Body language

Step one is to understand your surroundings.

Home, school, work, parks, groups, and other environments require different behaviour. What is intelligent at work might not be as smart at home or in the park.

Let’s look at the work scenario. Work environments differ, however there are some general norms that aid in projecting intelligence.

  • Formal attire, conservative, and well groomed.
  • Thoughtful and confident body language
  • Polished look and behaviour
  • Show signs of respect

and another surrounding,

Civic Group

  • Showing and understanding of rules and procedures
  • Don’t always be the first person to speak. The key to being heard is listening and learning about the group and the conversation before you begin. Being a little restrained shows intelligence.
  • Observe; don’t just listen. Be aware of who is happy, nervous, unwell, or withdrawn. Bodies often tell more than words.
  • Look for signs of feedback to you. When you are more attentive to how people respond to your comments, you will be able to shape your comments as you move forward.
  • Find a trusted confidant that can help you better understand how you are perceived by others.

I’ve given you two situational examples of how to use the way that you speak, look, act and body language to broadcast intelligence. With these small, but powerful tools, I encourage you to consider how you will project yourself as being sharp-witted in a variety of surroundings.

Managing and preserving the impression that you emanate can be profoundly useful, but don’t try too hard too often. People are perceptive and if you appear fake it can impair your reputation and credibility. Take these tips and apply them slowly and casually and you will confidently convey intelligence.

Step two coming soon…




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Very good tips and i completely agree on showing restraint. Just being a little more judicious with our words makes us appear more 'intelligent'.

That said, I think social intelligence is equally important and I take my hat off to those who can work a room while still being perceived as sharp.

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