Gene-Editing Experiment On Human Embryos Goes Horribly Wrong



For a long time now, people are increasingly becoming inclined to believe that in the future, we humans will have the power to influence our evolution and become the masters of our biological bodies.

In plain words, this means that experts believe that in the future, through technological means, we will be able to give ourselves special abilities, total immunity from diseases, desired traits and more.

One of these ways is by way of genetic engineering. As we all know, genes are the building blocks of life itself. Genes determine what a particular species and a particular individual looks like, behaves like, and influences their every single trait.

However, we are a long way from being able to control them as per our desires. The recent experiment with human embryos is a glaring proof of that.

Failed Experiment

A team of scientists in London recently edited the genes of human embryos with the popular CRISPR technique. If you don't know what CRISPR is, basically it has been regarded as the best and most affordable option to edit genes for a few years now.

If this experiment is anything to go by, CRISPR is not as great as it has been portrayed. The experiment went horribly wrong with the gene-edited embryos showing a variety of unintended edits. These could lead to future birth defects or even cancer later in their lives.

The experiment went so bad that a scientist (who was not involved in the project) even said, "This is a restraining order for all genome editors to stay the living daylights away from embryo editing."

The researchers concluded the experiment by saying that their efforts would highlight the need to examine the effectiveness of the gene-editing technology we currently have in our possession. They may not be as good as we give them credit for.

Personally, I think one day we will be able to perfect this technology. I believe we will have the ability to dictate our traits and become the masters of our biological bodies. Sure, it might be a long ways away but it is bound to happen. This experiment is just one of many that will eventually lead us to that future.


Ah yes, bring forth the The Island of Dr. Moreau. We may one day be able to, and when that day comes the medical technocrats, and the AI technocrats war will begin. Subhumanism verse transhumanism, and normal humans left in the cold and the dark.

The divide of the the human species will no longer be based on color, but on method of becoming human, were you made or were you built?


Yeah, this is for sure going to happen (if we go the predicted route). There will be a huge divide between people and the dystopian movies might end up coming true, unfortunately.
