Watch videos in bed HANDS FREE (Daiso Phone Stand Clamp)


Do you watch videos on your phone before bed? It's almost a habit for a lot of people now. It's probably not a good thing but for me personally watching a video on my phone doesn't stop me from falling asleep. The only inconvenient part is that I have to hold the phone with my hand.

If you are wanting something to hold the phone for you, it's probably useful to know that something like this exists. If you use this tool, you won't have to use your hands to hold the phone! As you can see in the photo, my mum is actually lying in her bed watching the video.

The only down side to using this tool is that if you touch your phone while the stand is in that position (as shown in the photo), the phone will shake. The shaking will stop if you stabilise it with your hand and let go for a couple of seconds, but you won't be able to constantly use your phone and assume that the phone will stay still.

If however you're just playing a video and you're not going to touch your phone very often, I can't see why you won't find this tool useful - it's only a few dollars anyway so why not grab one and try it out?

Mathematics & Digital Technologies Education

Videos, quizzes, and other learning resources

Eddie the Magic Monk has 17 years teaching experience as a high school teacher in Australia. He will explain things to you in the simplest way possible to help you fully understand high school mathematics and computer science concepts.

Eddie began his tutorial channel on Youtube in 2012. His videos have been well received all over the world and now has 27+ million views! He sees the benefit in multidisciplinary learning hence his tutorials cover topics ranging from maths to dance.


I like this idea if I have my glasses or contacts in, but unfortunately at night I mostly just have my near sighted-ness greeting my phone screen. I like this idea for my hubby though, so thanks for sharing the idea. He is hard to shop for, and this time of year, I am always trying to find things for him. My daughters would also probably enjoy it.


ahh yeah that's good. if I take my glasses off I can barely see my phone :( you're very lucky haha
