Ida al centro comercial – primera vez en el año y de la cuarentena // Going to the mall - first time in the year and quarantine



Que tal Hiver’s, entre ayer y hoy fui al centro comercial más cercano a mi casa luego de no haber ido desde hace unos meses antes de que establecieran la cuarentena. Por motivos de problemas con el mal servicio de la operadora de telefonía que uso (Movilnet), la cual uso desde que tengo un teléfono, tome la decisión de comprarme una nueva línea de otra operadora (Digitel) mejor.

How about Hiver’s, between yesterday and today I went to the mall closest to my house after not having been for a few months before the quarantine was established. Due to problems with the poor service of the telephone operator I use (Movilnet), which I use since I have a telephone, I made the decision to buy a new line from another operator (Digitel) better.


Bueno empecé buscando en donde se encontraban los agentes autorizados y me comunique con ellos a través de las redes y lo encontré en un centro comercial cerca de mi casa, por lo que iba a ir el lunes de esta semana pero no recordaba que esta semana es de cuarentena radical por lo que los contacte para saber si laboraban esta semana y me dijeron que “si” por lo que decidí ir al día siguiente (martes).

Well I started looking for where the authorized agents were and I communicated with them through the networks and I found it in a shopping center near my house, so I was going to go on Monday of this week but I did not remember that this week is of radical quarantine so I contacted them to find out if they were working this week and they told me “yes” so I decided to go the next day (Tuesday).

Llegue al centro comercial a eso de las 10 de la mañana y me percate que tanto tiempo tenia sin ir, ya estaban quitando los adornos de navidad y los pasillo estaban casi vacíos, por cuestiones de que las mayoría de tiendas estaban cerradas.

I arrived at the mall at around 10 in the morning and I realized that I had not been going for so long, they were already removing the Christmas decorations and the aisles were almost empty, due to the fact that most stores were closed.





Acudí al agente autorizado, ya había una cola relativamente larga, pero necesitaba la línea aunque no era tanta gente la cola avanzaba muy lento y por si no fuera poco además de que pase más de 1 hora esperando como las 11:40 y el horario que tenía el centro comercial para laborar era hasta las 12 del mediodía por lo que a los que estábamos en la cola nos dijeron que nos iban a tomar los datos y a cobrar pero que pasáramos retirando la línea ya activa a partir del día de mañana, es decir hoy, muchas personas esteban disconformes ya que habían pedido permiso en el trabajo o que solo podían ir a comprar la línea ese día por lo que les dijeron que pasaran a retirarla cuando pudieran.

I went to the authorized agent, there was already a relatively long queue, but I needed the line although there were not so many people, the queue moved very slowly and as if that were not enough, I also spent more than 1 hour waiting around 11:40 and the time that I had the shopping center to work it was until 12 noon, so those of us in the queue were told that they were going to take the data and charge us, but that we should go by removing the already active line from tomorrow, that is, Today, many people are dissatisfied since they had asked for permission from work or that they could only go buy the line that day, so they were told to pick it up when they could.


Aunque no me gusto que nos hicieron esperar para prácticamente nada decidí hacer lo que nos habían planteado y fui al día siguiente (hoy). Me fui bien temprano, llegue cuando estaban arreglando y limpiando para abrir, afortunadamente fui el primero de las personas de ayer en llegar y me atendieron de una vez, bueno me explicaron todo lo básico que tenía que ver son la línea nueva: el plan, el saldo que trae, como pedir saldo y cuál era el número de mi línea.

Although I did not like that they made us wait for practically nothing, I decided to do what they had proposed and I went the next day (today). I left very early, I arrived when they were fixing and cleaning to open, fortunately I was the first of the people to arrive yesterday and they attended to me at once, well they explained to me all the basics that I had to see are the new line: the plan, the balance it brings, how to request balance and what was my line number.


Me activaron los datos y me sentí muy raro ya que las páginas me cargaban muy rápido y no estaba conectado a una red wifi, como todo estaba correcto me fui de vuelta a tomar un autobús a mi casa contento con mi línea nueva.

They activated the data and I felt very strange since the pages were loading very fast and I was not connected to a Wi-Fi network, since everything was correct I went back to take a bus home happy with my new line.


Las capturas de pantalla fueron tomadas desde su Instagram / The screenshots were taken from his Instagram
