On remembering the talents and the efforts from earlier foreign minister Johan Jørgen Holst in Norway!



Little country on the wall there, who is the most beautiful lady in the country here? Well, it is many women, and they are smiling and they are nice, and we can make competitions about how many ladies one can date during a day or a night, but we should also be careful in what we are doing, and we should love domestic and foreign actors and individuals being engaged with something important in Norway, and we should love them, and we should give them even better opportunities.

Johan Jørgen Holst was an excellent foreign minister for Norway, and he was a hero according to Yasir Arafat, and Johan worked at any times through the whole day and night, and this was too much for his body, and the doctors warned him that he could die if he worked too much, and although the work was exciting and he was dwelling with the secret services, you should work in relation to what you are hearing from your body, and Johan Jørgen Holst was the defence minister and foreign minister of Norway, and the Oslo-agreement tried to find peaceful and constructive solutions for peace and harmony in the Middle East. And today we just remember Johan for his worldwide efforts, also together with the US President Bill Clinton. And you know every university giving these solutions in the study programs for the students, they are just some suggestions about how the world is, and the world can be in accordance with the literature and there can also be deviations in what we are doing in relation to what is the reality where we are working.

There are millions of dreams in every society, and Johan Jørgen Holst was excellent in national and international politics, and we should not dwell too much with the script and the report that his researchers and advisors told him about what to do, and you know we can be in every country in the world to any time anywhere, but we need to sleep enough, and we need to be friends of many people, and together we are making the world and the solutions of the world. So, we need none security since all humans we are meeting, we are friends with, and terrorists and stupid actions should we ignore, and the police should take care of everything that we find of trouble in any open market, in any domestication of markets, and in the domestic markets which we are facing.

So, there have been many people through all times that have tried to make peace and harmony and stability in the nations within us and between us, and we should try to make sensible and constructive solutions everywhere, and it is bad if some people are destroying the earth, and we can meet many people at many times, and we should be happy to be friends of many people, and this is also related to all the places where we are meeting people with the same and the different color on their skin, and we cannot protest and do stupid things on everywhere, because nobody can be blamed by having the blood system as his or her really has. And you know, Norway is the way in the north, and there are many people coming from NHH and SNF in Bergen, and they are excellent many of them, but the power positions should be given to people having talents, knowledges and encouragements for taking part in the processes, and we cannot find the best solutions of anything unless we have tried all the alternatives. So, we are falling in love with each other, and the world in borderless, and there are many ways to open up the markets and organizations in many country, and we should not find us something else to do, as US President George Bush told Michael Moore. And Pentagon and the White House have people that they can send to the different wars in the world, but we should be careful with our lives, and we should take care and being engaged with protecting the lives to everyone.

You know, as a minister and foreign minister of Norway, there is much information to be engaged with, and we cannot use all information to all times, although we can all the books at NHH in Bergen, but all the ramifications of international trade are going further than the books there, and there should be more books to be written about trade, and we should use books from different countries, and we know what we have learned and why, and NHH is great in Norway, but the ranking of business schools, colleges, and universities in Norway should be much higher, and they are not with us among the best 100 schools in the world on the highest level. And we cannot require that all people at the same and the different levels should know all things that we are knowing, and the perception is in accordance with what we know, and therefore we have the knowledges in our eyes, and we should use the time to do the most clever and the best choices of all conceivable in the world that we are meeting and facing to any time.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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