Some considerations on the management of agricultural and livestock companies

Dear readers, it is important to keep in mind that the administration is in charge of coordinating, directing each one of the processes and verifying the performance of the different tasks of each one of the areas that make up the company. It is necessary to take into account that its purpose is to achieve the objectives in the time stipulated, thus achieving a good organization.

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In this sense, Nieto (2013) states that management is the process of planning and organization that carries with it the responsibility of integrating, directing and controlling, in an efficient manner, the production activities of an agricultural enterprise, for which functions and procedures must be defined to achieve maximum efficiency in the management of the enterprises. The future of the production units depends a lot on the collaboration and predisposition of the members, which will help to define objectives and plans in the short and long term.

According to the above, it can be said that, in general, what the administration seeks is that through the application of functions the objectives are achieved. It is for this reason that this type of responsibility is carried out by an expert in the area, so that in some way the processes are fulfilled in an efficient and effective way, which will help the proper functioning of the company. It is also necessary that the administrator makes a manual applying each and every one of the procedures and activities that must be fulfilled because, in this way will have more control, planning and organization according to each of the functions to be performed.

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One of the great benefits of having an administrator specialized in farm management is that he/she is in charge of fulfilling all the purposes of the farm (agronomic activities, production activities), thus determining the profits and losses it may have, as well as determining the amount of expenses incurred, whether monthly, quarterly or yearly. An administrator is essential for a farm, regardless of its size, to fulfill its objectives in an efficient way.

If the owner does not have someone to manage the farm, he/she may be subject to major problems, such as lack of knowledge regarding the profits to be earned, as well as lack of control, since there is no leader who can delegate different functions and the objectives may take time to be achieved. It is for this reason that it is recommended that agricultural companies have people capable of assuming this type of responsibilities and thus be able to achieve the planned objectives in the shortest possible time.

Bibliographic references

Garcia, S. ( 2017). Agricultural enterprises and business administration. Rev. Méxicana de agronegocios. vol. 40.
