Content on the go - Nothing beats a full sized keyboard


Content On The Go


Most people consume content on their mobile devices (mainly smartphones) these days. It used to be a thing only in developing countries, because it was usually the only device with Internet access that the average person owned, but it's a globally ubiquitous concept now. Most people everywhere now consume content on the smartphones. This is why the likes of TikTok and Instagram skyrocketed to prominence.

More and more, people are also creating content on their smartphones. These devices have become so advanced that they have replaced a whole lot of functions previously carried out with other, larger and more powerful devices. As we progress in time, however, these differences are narrowing. The latest smartphones are now being released with the same microprocessors found in laptops and desktop computers, sometimes even more efficient ones. Tasks, like video processing, previously deemed too cumbersome for smartphones' "tiny" processors are now a total breeze.

One thing holding smartphones back, which will always be the case compared to a laptop for instance, is size. Typing on a smartphone will never match the experience of using a "full-sized" keyboard, especially if you're a touch-typer like I am. I can type faster than I can speak these days, having been doing it for decades. In fact I type so fast sometimes it just happens subconsciously. I don't think about it - it just happens - like walking or breathing.

This is why I carry this foldable keyboard with me so that when the inspiration strikes, which it does randomly, I can prob up my phone against something and pull out the keyboard from my pocket and type. It's perfect for the cafe or anywhere with a nice flat surface. I've stopped carrying my laptop around with me now unless I know I'm specifically going to a cafe to work for the day. In that case, nothing beats having all my stuff there on my macbook and that nice large screen.

There are some annoying things with this keyboard, as mentioned in the video, but I quite like it. Until voice dictation is perfected, it isn't right now but it's close, then a keyboard will remain my preferred method of input.

🛒 Buy this keyboard?

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Peace & Love,



As we all know technology has advanced a lot. Due to which now we all are getting much easier to live. Like in earlier times when a friend or relative of yours used to go to another country, you had to wait for many days to talk to him, now through WhatsApp and many other apps to talk him day and night. This keyboard is very beautiful to look at and we can comfortably adjust it to our pocket. For example, people working in TikTok and other apps and need to reply to comments to their followers can easily do so using the keyboard. Thanks for sharing this great invention.


Yes I remember this time very well. When I went to university I didn't see my family for many months and we had no contact except writing letters which took 2 weeks to arrive. I could call them only once a month because it cost about £3 per minute. That's like $10 per minute in todays money. Very expensive. Now we want high quality video calls every day :)


Woahoo! That's super cool, and for the problem it has I think it is something that can be worked on with time. And the part that it has a lasting battery capacity as such is also overwhelming really.

I don't know how to type fast on the keyboard, I still prefer typing on my smartphone but I will learn how to type on a keyboard when I get a laptop 😁.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I find it really informative, hehe.


That's amazing that you type all this stuff on your smartphone. It's very impressive to be honest.


Yes I do and it has become very comfortable and easy for me too, hehe.
