RE: 2021-02-26


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A Lot More Than That

2021-02-27 - Saturday - 02:00 AM - Covid Log - Hive Blog

A lot more than just twice. Over 80% of people who died of Covid according to one study was also conveniently deficient of essential vitamins. By the way, all humans must have essential vitamins. When you don't, you will die after a certain number days generally speaking depending on the vitamin. For example, we must have vitamin C. We can talk all day about why. That is just one vitamin. We must have essential vitamins. And most people who died of Covid would have died of anything which means Covid is not really the reason. The reason a person dies is often due to not having enough of everything it needs in the body, in the cells, in the blood stream, in the gut, in the brain, in the DNA, in the marrow of the bones. Most of the problems with aging is due to cellular health in particular. Also, strangely in America, what, did nobody die of the Flu? Also, hospitals were paid thousands of dollars to lie and say a person died of Covid. So, it became a game. Then we saw Tik-Tok videos of doctors and nurses dancing.
