a fruit that grows once a year, tastes great,


hello friends how are you all hopefully in good health tonight

On this day I spent time in the field, I was waiting for the fruit to fall which was very delicious, namely the popular name "the king of all fruits" where we have harvested the durian fruit, which we have been waiting for from three months until now the fruit has just fallen from the tree,

the durian tree is one of the types of fruit-producing trees in our place, namely in aceh, the benefits of the durian tree that are most commonly known by the public are a unique fruit dubbed the "king of all fruit" or the king of fruit,

Durian fruit has a very good taste, but if eaten in excess it will cause nausea and dizziness, besides that for people who don't like durian fruit, they will feel dizzy even if they only smell the aroma, the smell of this durian fruit is very thick. with its fragrance.

This durian fruit is the most interesting because it is covered by a sharp and pointed thorny skin

when the durian fruit is opened it will find 3 or 5 spaces, according to the size of the fruit sometimes there are also 5 to 7 spaces, it is also a very large fruit,

Durian flesh has seeds and physical shape varies thick or thin,

The durian I found has very large seeds and the flesh is very thick, what's more, the color is very yellow, it's amazingly delicious.

spesiesDurio zibethinus

spesiesDurio zibethinus

Durio zibethinus

spesies Durio zibethinus

spesies Durio zibethinus

spesies Durio zibethinus


you are absolutely right. I am also a durian lover wherever there is durian it always makes me happy.
