Gaming PC Build - RAM, WiFI and Accessories

Hello hello peeps of the HGC!
Another opportunity to buy new hardware, another post.

This upgrade won't be as substantial as the last one, but it still has some important things.

To recap, this is the machine we're dealing with right now:

i5 2310
AMD RX 570
8GBs of DDR3 RAM
1.2TB of SSD and HDD space (120 SSD, 120 HDD, 1TB HDD)
A AeroCool KCAS 500w 80 Plus Bronze PSU
A Duex H61Z M2 motherboard

  • Keyboard and Mouse

Something I've failed to point out is how God damn awful the keyboard and mouse I was using were. They were bought for a measly $5, and while they're new, they're obviously of very low quality.

My father saw the dissatisfaction I was going through with those and bought a kit of keyboard and mouse from Multilaser.
After having used them for a couple of hours now, I can safely say these are tons of times better and more comfortable.

The old mouse I was using would just jump around the screen instead of feeling like a continual smooth motion, it was jarring and odd.
The keyboard was very mushy and the keys had very little travel so it felt like I was typing on a glass keyboard, it was bad.

  • WiFi

Something else I didn't point out is how slow the ethernet port on my motherboard is, reaching a measly 100mbps maximum. I know, it's a budget motherboard made for offices, but I knew I could do better with very little money, so for $10 I got this OEM WiFi adapter.

It came in this very simple plastic case with a driver mini CD, something which most people will very likely never use and that I can't use - no disc drive, and I run Linux.

Speaking of that latter fact, as soon as I went to do a speedtest, it wouldn't go past 25mbps.
It was advertised as 600mbps on 5GHz so I knew something was aloof.
After some seconds googling I found a driver for the chipset in this thing

After a quick install and reboot, I'm enjoying way greater speeds than what my motherboard is capable of doing.

Sure, it's not the 600mbps that were advertised, but it's almost double the speed I was getting before.
This will be a rather long-term temporary fix, because it'll take a while until I can afford a new motherboard, one with better networking - but by then I'll be changing platforms entirely and going with Ryzen.

  • RAM

Undoubtedly the most important upgrade right now was the RAM.
I went from 8GBs of single channel DDR3 RAM to 16GBs of dual channel DDR3 RAM.

The difference this makes is pretty huge for me, as a good chunk of games I play pass the 8GB of ram mark pretty easily. It also makes using the system that much more smoother and gives more headroom to do stuff and get work done.
I don't know how much of a difference being in dual channel will make in games now, being that this is only DDR3, but it has to help somewhat still.

You might've noticed the stick I got is smaller than normal DIMMs, the simple reason is that a normal RAM DIMM wouldn't fit besides my huge ass cooler.

I plugged the RAM stick in, booted the PC - not recognized. Took it out, stared at it intensely... put it back in, it worked!

I guess PC parts are prone to intimidation.

  • What's Next?

Now let's do the quick recap, what do we have now?

i5 2310
AMD RX 570
16GBs of dual channel DDR3 RAM
1.2TB of SSD and HDD space (120 SSD, 120 HDD, 1TB HDD)
A AeroCool KCAS 500w 80 Plus Bronze PSU
A Duex H61Z M2 motherboard
A 5GHz wifi adapter to compensate slow motherboard speeds
Decent mouse and keyboard

  • What's Left?

I need a new CPU because while this i5 isn't exactly terrible, it's definitely bottlenecking my RX 570, and a faster CPU would also help with compile times.
R$195 is very cheap for a CPU in the class of the i7 3770, which has its modern equivalent in the Ryzen 3 3200G, a very decent CPU on its own.

As soon as I make enough for this, I'll be purchasing it off AliExpress and waiting the weeks I'll have to wait for it to arrive.

Another thing I have to change is my display, seeing as this TV has these ugly terrible bars going through it, making some stuff very annoying to watch or play. I literally resize my Firefox window to be able to write posts for Ecency, or else the lines get in the way of text. I can't even read in-game chat because of the lines, which makes some of my favourite games a little harder to play (CSGO, Final Fantasy XIV, Runescape, etc).

It's alright though, this TV and the NVMe SSD I have in mind for this build can take a while longer seeing as how they're not absolutely essential.
But it'd be really nice if I could get a hand me down from a family member of an old display that they don't use anymore, even if it's smaller or of a lower resolution than 1080p, it wouldn't bother me, not more than these stupid lines.

Anywayss, that's it for today folks, I'll go enjoy some gaming now! Thanks for reading.


I'm so glad you're getting new parts, man. I was very sad when I read that you were scammed. Now you are buying some parts again. Good luck! I hope you can get the screen and CPU you want as soon as possible.


Yeah, this is going faster than I anticipated. The CPU and screen will definitely take a while though, but I'll get there eventually. I'll be sure to run some benchmarks even and post it here once I get to that part of the upgrade.

Thanks brother!


As I recently, by chance of luck, got upgraded from 4+2GB sticks of RAM to a single 8GB of RAM, it has been quite the difference in performance for a few stuff like video editing and being able to do anything while Microsoft Edge is open...can't imagine how much it gotta help having 16GB of RAM.

All things said, congratulations on your upgrades, and looking forward to whatever else you can add on top of it soon :)
