RE: Biomolecules: Amino Acids [EN ⊛ ES]


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What an informative post this has been! This paragraph speaks volumes about your content, and what you are trying to share with the blockchain:

This article is dedicated to the description of the units that serve as the fundamental basis for the constitution of proteins. It is about the different amino acids that surround living beings in nature; of which, the definition and their functional characteristics are exposed, the significant benefits they provide and allow to identify their classification and importance. Accompanied by the different graphs that identify the chemical chains of each one.

The description from your account graphic tells me...

"Mother, Wife and Professional: Bachelor of Nursing specialized in Hemotherapy, Biochemistry and routine laboratory analysis"

So for suggestions, I would ask how this information affects you in your daily duties. Don't get me wrong... this is very informative post! I would just love to see how this information helps you to provide help to people. Thank you for sharing this with us... I look forward to seeing what you have to share with us next!

@tipu curate


Hello @wesphilbin
You have asked me a very interesting question. All this knowledge helps me in my work in a healthcare facility. I have received it from the classrooms of a university, until graduating with a university degree. And just as you have read, I am the mother of two children who are already professionals as well, as is my husband who is now retired. I share the hours with my family, offering quality and care. At work I follow a schedule and I try to do my job effectively and efficiently. Sometimes I am afraid to take care of a patient because it is not easy, some of them have difficult illnesses to heal and must be given love and understanding, especially if they are terminally ill.
The information that I present in this article is something daily (for me), it is knowledge that everyone should know to understand how their body works. It explains that all living beings are composed of amino acids (some are essential and others are not) and they in turn build the proteins of the living being. All these components are called Biomolecules.
I promise to make another article on the same subject of amino acids, as it is very extensive...
Thank you for visiting my blog and I recommend you to read my presentation to know a little more about my life and my family. See you soon!

Hola @wesphilbin
Usted me ha realizado una pregunta muy interesante. Todo este conocimiento me ayuda en mi trabajo en un centro de salud. Lo he recibido desde las aulas de clase de una universidad, hasta egresar con un título universitario. Y así como lo ha leido, soy madre de dos hijos que ya son profesionales también, al igual que mi esposo el cual ya está jubilado. Comparto las horas con mi familia, ofreciendo calidad y esmero en su atención. En el trabajo cumplo un horario y busco hacer mis labores con eficacia y eficiencia. Hay veces me da miedo atender un paciente porque no es fácil, algunos presentan enfermedades difísiles de sanar y se le debe suministrar amor y comprensión, sobre todo si son enfermos terminales.
La información que presento en éste artículo, es algo cotidiano (para mí), son conocimientos que toda persona debería saber para entender como funciona su cuerpo. Ahí se explica que todos los seres vivos están compuestos de aminoácidos (unos son esenciales y otros no) y ellos a su vez construyen las proteinas del ser viviente. A todos esos componentes se les llama Biomoléculas.
Le prometo hacer otro artículo referente al mismo tema de los aminoácidos, ya que es muy extenso...
Gracias por visitar mi blog y le recomiendo leer mi presentación para que conozca un poco más de mi vida y de mi familia. Hasta pronto!
