Amazona leucocephala[EN/ES]

Latin nameObservation dateLocation
Amazona leucocephalaMay 11, 2023Cuba


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In my neighborhood there are some neighbors who are lovers of Cuban parrots, although we call them...parrots...years ago they were given their first specimen and from that moment on they loved it...

En mi barrio hay unos vecinos que son amantes de los Loros de Cuba, aunque nosotros les decimos...cotorras...hace años les regalaron su primer ejemplar y desde ese momento les encantó...

In 2021 their parrot died and from that moment they began to look for another pigeon, since they have 2 children, who were very saddened by the loss.

En el 2021 se les murió su cotorra y desde ese momento comenzaron a buscar otro pichón, pues tienen 2 niños, los cuales se entristecieron mucho con la pérdida.

After some time in his search, another parrot finally arrived at his house, a chick still without feathers (something with which I do not agree, because they are birds ripped from their nest in a hurry, and far from their mother), there they began to feed and educate him.

Después de cierto tiempo en su búsqueda al fin llegó otra cotorra a su casa, un pichón aún sin plumas ( algo con lo que no estoy de acuerdo, pues son pájaros arrancados de su nido con premura, y alejados de su madre), ahí comenzaron a alimentarlo y educarlo.

Currently this bird stays during the day in a guava tree, where it feeds daily, sings the National Anthem, talks, asks for food and so on, from my house in front, I hear it talk as if it were a person, something amazing.

Actualmente este pájaro se mantiene durante el día en una mata de guayaba, de donde se va alimentando diariamente, canta el Himno Nacional, habla, pide comida y demás, de mi casa en el frente, la oigo hablar como si fuera una persona, algo asombroso.

A few days ago my neighbor visited us and took her with her to pick up some mangoes to feed her, I immediately took advantage and took the photos that I am sharing with you today.

Hace días mi vecina nos visitó y la llevó consigo y así recoger unos mangos para darle de comer, inmediatamente aproveché y le tiré las fotos que les comparto hoy.
