Water from Food and 8 Cups of Water Myth


Have you been told that you need to drink about 8 cups or 2 litres of water everyday on top of your normal diet?? Well I actually used to believe in this but after doing some further research I have realized it is a myth. You can actually get most of your water from food itself! This is an extremely useful video so make sure to watch it so you can be aware of some of the water myths that are pushed by many food agencies!

Most of the info in the video is found in the BBC Documentary: The Truth about Food - Episode 5: How to Stay Young and Beautiful and can be viewed in the links below:
BBC Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/humanbody/truthaboutfood/young/
YouTube video:

The Valtin, 2002 paper can be downloaded from this link: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIiLotcZC7Q0tOQmWmFg?e=qoKq99

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How much water should I drink per day? Facts + Myths

Water from food plus myths.jpeg

Most of the info is obtained from:

The BBC Documentary: The Truth about Food – Episode 5: How to Stay Young and Beautiful: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/humanbody/truthaboutfood/young/

Do we need 8 cups of water (250 mL per cup, thus 2 L total)? Does it improve your skin?

On average our bodies contain 50 L of water (50 kg, 110 lbs)

We lose water all the time:

Breathing, talking, evaporates from pores, excreted out in bodily waste

On average we lose 2 to 3 L of water per day

The BBC documentary involved a test that involved a pair of twins in which one of the twins drank 8 cups of water per day and the other twin was not allowed to drink any extra cup of water in their normal diet.

The test lasted a few days only because if 8 cups of water was necessary the loss of such water should be evident right away.

Skin was tested for Moisture, oil, and elasticity. Study showed the extra water did not significantly change the skin.

According to the following paper:

Valtin, H. “Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.” Really? Is there scientific evidence for “8x8”?. American Journal of Physiology. Volume 283, Issue 5.2002. https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIiLotcZC7Q0tOQmWmFg?e=qoKq99

Myth of 8 cups of water stems from the 1945 paper:

Food and nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences. Recommended Dietary Allowances, revised 1945, National Research Council, Reprint and Circular Series, No. 122, 1945 (Aug), p. 3-18.

Which concluded that:

“A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 liters daily in most circumstances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is one milliliter for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods.”

But most food agencies left out the last sentence.

Water found in food, juice, coffee, tea is the exact same as tap or bottled water and the body uses it in exactly the same way.

Get 1/3 of water from food.

A potato is 76% H2O
A lean Steak is 65% H2O
Fish is 75% H2O
Hard Cheese is 38% H2O.

The rest of the water requirement is obtained from juice, milk, tea, and coffee. Note that tea and coffee although have been considered as diuretic (increase urination) studies have shown for the most part they can be included as part of water intake (http://www.discovergoodnutrition.com/2012/09/plain-water-get-your-8-glasses-a-day/) Stay tuned for my later math easy solution video on this topic.

Thus 2 Litres of extra water on top of your normal diet is a myth. Drink when you are thirsty but no need for forcing down massive amounts of extra water everyday.


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