Factoring: Difference and Addition of Cubes


In this video I go over some special factoring when a difference or an addition of cubes arises. A difference of cubes is in the form a3 - b^3 while an addition of cubes is in the form a^3 + b^3. In the video I show how you can simplify functions such as these by reducing the power from a cube to a square. Make sure to watch this video because knowing how to factor differences and additions of cubes can greatly simplify functions and sometimes it is required.

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NOTE #1: If you don't have time to watch this whole video:

NOTE #2: If video volume is too low at any part of the video:

Factoring: Difference of Cubes

Factoring  Difference of Cubes.jpeg

Difference of Squares (earlier video, see description):


Difference of Cubes





I admire Your regularity in creating content. I'm not able to do the same. Even if I had time, I don't see motivation because there are no people who will be interested. But shutting on TikTok will be surely popular. Mad world.


Thanks! I'm currently posting the video notes from my earlier YouTube videos, as well as posting them to 3Speak. My old videos just have PDF downloadable notes but it wasn't until now that I found a good way to post them as articles.

Interestingly, my motivation to make math videos was to self-teach and then be able to reference my videos in the future. Kind of like reading a book and writing a summary which you can reference in the future instead of using someone else's summary. (this is essentially how nodes validate blocks in blockchains haha)

But yes, want to see why the world is the way it is, check out what is popular ;)
