RE: NEWS FROM THE MEADOWS - 26. April 2021


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The shots are all wonderful. Spring is life! But the inch worm holding onto the plant takes top billing for me.

A curious suburban custom where I live. Dandelions are forbidden. When I first moved into my home more than 40 years ago, I didn't know that. Soon, dandelions covered my lawn and neighbors were horrified. A plague that would spread to their lawns! What to do? Most people put down weed killer. That wasn't an option. So every year we go through the same back-challenging exercise. We break the tops off dandelions, or pull them up by the roots, until their season has passed. I am still amused by the need to do this. Do you have a similar custom in your community?


:D Strange suburban psychosis indeed ! I think that some folks here are also at one step from that strange state of mind, slightly disturbingly obsessed with the " only grass carpet on their lawn" :D but fortunately they are still a minority. I don't judge them - but I find them strange and funny, and I do think that a talk with the doc, the appropriate specialist could help them ... and have a positive impact on the biodiversity and more relaxed look of their immediate surroundings ... and life in general.
