Nights Without Light
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to do some thoughtful pondering about how lucky we are to have a light source!

Nights Without Light
We have grown accustomed to so many things in our lives that make considerable improvements to every bit of our life yet pay little to no attention to it at all. What am I referring to, in this particular case? I was listening to a podcast the other day, as I'm wont to do, and one of the things that the host said really struck me right in the brain. We unlocked so much human potential when we had a source of light at night. That shit really affected me!
As I'm writing this post, it's in the night time so outside is dark, being night of course. There are lights everywhere, both inside my house and outside. This allows me to walk around at night without hurting myself, and allows me to see both obstacles as well as things in the house that I may want such as a glass for some water. When we think about it, a light source is one of the most crucial and fundamental pieces of technology that humans have developed in it's existence, more fundamental than the wheel I would say.
That may be a stiff argument, being more important than the wheel. The wheel definitely had it's positive impact for humans, making it easier to farm and do all kinds of other normal tasks during the day. For light though, that means so much more! Without light, besides from the sun of course, that means that there is no fire, given that for thousands of years the "light" source technology was largely limited to fire. This was revolutionary in so many ways because of not only it allowing our ancestors to cook food, improving the taste but as well making it less toxic and killing the bacteria that often leads to food-borne illnesses, but it also allowed us to light a fire and actually see whenever we wanted to.
Could you think of not having a light source in our homes? In the summertime that's often not a terrible thing, as we get to spend a lot of our day outside and in the sunlight. In the wintertime though, how difficult would that be? Only having sunlight and a light source for 8 hours a day or less in some cases. We would be a depressed bunch of mother fuckers let me tell you! Lol.
One of the things that I've been making it a point to do in my life over the last 2 years or more, since my son has gotten older and been much more inquisitive of the world around us, is trying to see the things in life that I otherwise would not. Things like the simple nature of a light source, things that I took advantage of throughout my life because of how inexpensive and easy it was for me to access it, use it and put it away. I didn't have to spend 90 minutes chopping wood, stacking it and bringing it inside so that I could light a fire for warmth, light and cooking ability. I turned on my cell phone light and saw the spider crawling across the floor. That's pretty damn cool!
I wonder what the people from 200 or 2,000 years in the past, if they came to the present day, would wonder at the most. Would they wonder at the utter ease in which we can turn on a simple light source, that they had to spend considerable physical effort in order to create? Or would they be more amazed with the ability for us to flick a switch and electricity come on to heat up the pilot on the stove in order to boil water, with which we could put pasta in to make it softer or an egg in order to boil it and make it harder. I wonder what we would be amazed about if we got to take a sneak-peak 200 or 2,000 years into the future. Granted, the rate of exponential growth of technology over the last 50 years has massively reduced the seismic shifts that occur with technology and civilization improving, but would we have a way to traverse black holes in 200 years? Or would I be amazed that we've finally decoded the human brain, one of the most complex machines in the world that we still know little about in order to reproduce it.
These are the random thoughts that entertain me before going to bed :D

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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We are living in this era of technology and the truth is that we take advantage of it, but we also abuse it. I remember my grandfather, who passed away more than thirty years ago, used to say: "Technology brings good and bad things". I didn't really understand that until I learned to put some things on a scale. For example, the internet is a great tool when used for instructional learning purposes, but how much harm has it done to misuse it?
Regarding the light source, it makes our life easier but it also brings pollution if we abuse it. It is a matter of knowing how to take advantage of technology by giving it the right use.
I liked your post on this matter, it would not have occurred to me to reflect on this aspect 💫.
Greetings 🤗
Yeah I agree for sure! There are good and bad things with technology and many other elements in our lives. It takes responsibility to do it well but a lot of times it gets abused by people. That’s the nature of choice though, some choose to do good and others choose to do bad. It’s important to have that choice!
Even though we now live in the era of technology, torchlight and all, I think we should not deprive ourselves of bring up a natural source of light just like the fire picture in this post. We can so that once in a while and I'm glad you are training your son with that
Yeah I love the natural sources of light! Those are important to have I think, and to appreciate.
In the present age, people cannot live without technology, but the earlier people who lived may have lived better than us because they did not have cars, they walked. It was also very good for health, there was no light, spending time with each other.
Yeah it's a difficult thing to compare today versus 100 years ago. I know that you are correct with people walking often but they also didn't have good medical care, clean water technology, and a few other things that we have today to make our lives healthier. It is a strange balance we are trying to have!
Yeah. Clean water is our basic need.