RE: My "First" 3D Printer Purchase & Install Experience

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So I count 5 printers in total!! What are you up to? Running a factory ? 😉


Hey @livinguktaiwan ~~
I can explain its so stupid but makes so much sense.

A design 3D print usually takes about 8-12 hours to print a part.... and during lets say it was printing 5 hours and failed.... then I need to start the thing alllll over again.

Now~ with 2 printers with different print settings of same part... your failure rate is now cut in half. 50%!!! is a lot...
With clients removing margin for error is pretty important to customer satisfaction I think..... Being on time is what makes or breaks deals.

Also same goes with if you need to print multiple parts at the same time then it finishes the task twice as fast~~
so having two is a lot much better than just one machine.

and with Multiple printers~~~ this can exponentially cut time in so many ways... productivity skyrockets.
This all works when your have projects that are working through~~

IF no projects~~ they are just metal sculptures. Sad metal sculptures.... :)
I had a feeling someone would ask~~~ glad it was you.


To be fair, the metal sculptures look pretty cool!!

I had no idea it takes so long to print something, and you say they may fail. What happens to the failed product, does it go in the bin or can you recycle the material? I hear the "whatever you call it bits to print" are quite expensive.


A failed print is basically when the finished result does not meet what look like on the file. Human error, surface area, temperature, humidity... they all have a say in it.

What do we do with them is go into the bin... some are trying to figure out to recycle them but its not as easy as like composting at home.

Most of the material used for these types are PLA material, and I did hear that they are made from sugar cane.

Cost of 3D printing is all calculated simply with time and material. Its the time that kills the attraction~ although companies are working to improve this. And its expensive probably because of time... :)
