RE: My "First" 3D Printer Purchase & Install Experience

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Amazing!! It's kind of a human nature when we see tutorial on YouTube etc it's seems to easy but actually trying for real is always a new experience.

And yea no one would buy seeing jpeg on Amazon ~ it's always good to pick up by own from market.

Happy for you that you're satisfied with it and enjoying making module on it!

Haha I never tried before so don't know how it feels like but enjoyed reading your experience.

Have a great day ahead bruh!


I think these machines are like musical instruments. People will always see and enjoy the music performance however they never see the long practices they go through. 3D printing is the same... it looks easy when you see it.... but it needs practice... a lot of it too. However once mastered.... it becomes second nature. :) Sometimes I love it and sometime I yell at my machines when things go wrong. hahahaha~

Picking up from the market~~ is always the best way.... same goes with picking fruits and vegetables at the market.... if you can see it, touch it... you will pick the best one when you buy.

Thanks and have an awesome day too!!!


Yea perfectly said each and everything!! Loved the example of music performance and practices!

Haha, yelling on machines literally sounds like me when my internet stop working.

if you can see it, touch it... you will pick the best one when you buy.

Indeed, very well said!

Thanks mate. 💕 Much Love.
