RE: Protocol violations and fraud in the Pfizer/Biontech COVID-19 vaccine study!


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Ich interpretiere die Grafik so, dass bereits nach 7-10 Tagen nach der 1. Dosis ein Impfschutz besteht. Das ist ziemlich cool und bei der Größe der Impfgruppen auch statistisch signifikant. In den ersten Tagen könnte die Ansteckung auch bereits vor der Impfung erfolgt sein. Warum soll man die verhinderten Fälle zwischen erster und zweiter Impfung nicht berücksichtigen?

I interpret the graph that there is already a protection by the vaccine after 7-10 days after the 1st dose. That's pretty cool and statistically significant given the size of the study groups. In the first few days, the infection could also have occurred before vaccination. Why not take into account the prevented cases between the first and second dose?



Yes, to prevent mild cases the vaccine demonstrated efficacy. But who needs to take the risk of this drug with a yet unexplored safety profile, just to prevent a mild flu-like diseass?
For severe cases there was no proof yet, per protocol, for efficacy. It is not scientifically sound to say "but it might work" if you don´t adhere to the analysis you have committed to initially.
And regarding the 7 days, so you would then also take only one shot, if that "seems to work as well"? Some might take one, others 2. This will create a chaos. Either the correct dose regime or nothing at all. I still prefer 0 doses, I don´t want to mess up my immune system for nothing.
