Idealism and its Aims of Education


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In this article, I will be taking us briefly on the Idealism school of thoughts, its aims of education and how it has influenced the education system as a whole.


Idealism is about the oldest philosophy to be properly developed in the western world. It dates back to the time of Plato (427-347 BC). Generally, idealists hold on the belief that, ideas are the only true reality. They maintain that what is indeed real is spiritual in nature rather than physical. That is, it is something conceived in the mind and not material.

Idealists came to this conclusion because they believe that this material world is not stable, uncertain and changeable: but ideas are unchangeable and lasting. This is why Plato maintains that men should concern themselves with searching for truth. He defines truth as perfect and eternal and said that it could not be found in this material world because material things are imperfect and ever changing.

This does not mean that idealists deny the existence of the physical world. But what they are saying is that the material things of the world like houses, trees, or animals are not the ultimate reality because they are constantly changing. On the other hand, ideas are real and do not change. Other people who share this idealists philosophy are Socrates, Immanuel Kant, George Hegel and George Berkeley.

Idealism and Knowledge
Idealists say that the knowledge gained through the senses of touch, hearing, seeing or feeling, cannot be relied upon. To them, the only knowledge that can be valid is that which comes through reasoning. This is because they see the reason as the aspect of the mind which can help us to know the pure forms of things.

Another way of deriving knowledge according to them, is through the saying of wise men throughout the ages. This is because these sayings are the products of reasoning. Idealists recognize a third way of gaining knowledge. This is through revelation by religious or prophetic leaders because such knowledge comes from God. Idealists believe that, values are fixed, permanent and unchangeable. There are not man-made but natural, universal and constant.

Idealists Aims of Education
Generally, idealists maintain that education should emphasize the following educational objectives namely:

  • the search for truth or intellectual development
  • self-realization
  • character development, and
  • the development of the society

Let's discuss

Search for Truth or Intellectual Development
According to Plato, truth cannot be found in this physical world because the world is not permanent and is ever-changing. But truth or perfect ideas as he called it, can be found only in philosophical wisdom which can only be attained through intellectual development. For this, he recommended the study of such subjects that can develop the mind or intellect.

Idealists believe that education should develop the self. In other words, education should lead to self-realization. This is the concept of discovering who you are, what you can really do, your limitations and how you can fit into the society to which you belong.

Character Development
All idealists believe that good character development is a major aim of education. They particularly emphasized development of good morals, sense of duty, loyalty and patriotism. Here, the role of the teacher as a model from which the children can copy and develop itheir character is emphasized.

The Development of the Society
It is their opinion that education should train every individual to be his abilities for the benefit of the society. As one idealists (Bogloslvsky) philosopher said, "brotherhood is the soul and essence of real democracy."

One can boldly attest to the fact that this school of thoughts has a large relevance in the educational sector. This philosophy teaches us that education has definite objectives, which should be fulfilled in the life of each child. Don't stop at passing mere information and facts as a teacher to your students. Rather, identify one or two objectives (like development of good character, or self-concept) and work towards developing these in your students.
