Let's learn about cybersecurity


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Educating people about cybersecurity is really important, since this sense of learning is not a luxury to be able to educate about these issues, but it is really a necessity as primordial as learning history or mathematics, today almost all of our most common activities are done through the web, so it is essential to educate people about cybersecurity.

Among the variety of elements that have to do with computer systems it is important to make an update of these computer systems ranging from public transport to the manufacturing industry in general, this can only be achieved by educating and teaching about its importance, touching real aspects and determining some real life cases that can serve as a starting point and react and begin to see these issues as something so important to learn.

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Much is said about the need for an interconnected world, and we are already living this reality of an interconnected world, however, thanks to living in this interconnected world we have become more vulnerable to electronic attacks, so it is imperative to have cyber security systems, such as being able to install a VPN system to our computer or smartphone.

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With cyber attacks, the history of mankind has had many losses, both at a personal level of each person, as is also the case of large industries, and in the case of cryptocurrencies, large exchanges have been hacked.

The important thing is to promote this type of education, not only to inform about the importance of this knowledge, but also to get to the point of teaching how to install cybersecurity systems.


Cyber attack are very crucial and now days everyone is living in digital world.
How the VPN help?
The only thing I know is Virtual Private Network.........
