Wet clothes can dry in the wind




Wet clothes can dry in the wind

Hello Steemian.
One night the youngest said that the next day he had to wear the same school uniform. Even though I saw his clothes were dirty.
"Why did you just say that the uniform is the same today?"
"I forgot"
I was forced to wash at night and then fan it with a fan.
In the morning I looked at the clothes I had fanned and were left to iron until neat and warm.
He immediately wore the neat uniform.
"Why only with a fan this uniform can dry, Dad?"
"Let's eat, I'll explain later"
After finishing breakfast and there is still time I explain about why clothes can dry just because of the wind from the fan.


Water is a molecules that has a rather strong bond. On the inside of liquid water, water molecules cannot move freely. This is different in surface water. on the surface of the water molecule the bond is rather weak so that the water molecule can move more freely. The kinetic energy of the water molecules on the surface is larger so that it can escape from the bonds of water and release itself into the air into water vapor. That is why even if the water is not heated on the surface of the table or after mopping the floor will dry.
Evaporation of caustics is influenced by three factors: temperature, surface area and humidity.
At high temperatures the water will quickly evaporate because of the energy received by the water. The greater the energy received by water will quickly evaporate.
Surface area also affects evaporation. the more surface area of the object will further accelerate evaporation.
Moisture around the object will also affect evaporation. the more humid the air will be more difficult to evaporate. the drier the air will make the water quickly evaporate.
On clothes that are aerated by the humidity the air on the surface of the shirt is blown by the wind so that it becomes dry. This dry air will be filled by water vapor which is the release of water molecules from the clothes. This keeps happening so that the clothes can eventually become dry.
Thus all my writing this time may useful for all of us.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.
