The freezer is always at the top of refrigerator




The freezer is always at the top of refrigerator

Hello Lovely Hivean!
Lock down or self quarantine is not something to be afraid of. Instead we have to be able to get rid of boredom with a variety of activities. Like we did. Today we made juice. The eldest SI chose avocado juice while the youngest want to made tailing juice. After all the ingredients were prepared, my youngest told me to fetch ice in the refrigerator. He immediately went to the refrigerator to get ice. He opened the refrigerator then his hands immediately took the ice. Before closing the refrigerator he noticed the arrangement of shelves from top to bottom. not long after he immediately handed over ice. As he handed over the ice he asked.
"Why are the shelves used to make ice not top up?"
I smiled at the youngest's curiosity.
"Let's finish making juice first, then I'll explain why the most bag rack in the refrigerator is used to make ice."
After all is done we enjoy homemade juice. While drinking juice I explain why the ice-making rack is placed at the very top.

The cold air is moving down

The room in the refrigerator is always at the top. Even though it is on the bottom shelf, it cools down. To understand that we have to remember physics again.
The cooling chamber in the refrigerator is caused by heat absorption. To absorb heat, a freon (CFC-Chloro Fluoro Carbon) is needed. Freon is channeled through small pipes using electricity and absorbs heat in the cooler. The more heat absorbed, the cooler the room will be.
According to physics lessons cold air will shrink so that its density is greater. Because the density is greater then this cold air will go down. Meanwhile, warmer air will move upwards.
Likewise in the refrigerator, the upper shelf produces cold air. This air will fill the bottom shelf and warmer air rises to the top. Thus the cooler will save electricity to cool all space.
In contrast, if the cooler is placed on the bottom shelf, of course it will not be able to cool the shelf at the top because cold air cannot rise to the top. If every rack has to be cooled, it will certainly cost electricity, Waste electricity means waste of costs.
Thus the explanation of the reasons for installing the freezer in the refrigerator is placed on the top shelf as my writing this time may useful for all of us.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.
