Biological structures that direct the vital processes in our organism



To describe biological information, it is necessary to remember that our body mass is made up of proteins, proteins being understood as large and complex bio-molecules that act in the metabolic functioning at the cellular level, in less technical words, proteins are biological structures that direct the vital processes that occur in the cells.

Within the vital processes that drive proteins at the cellular level, in addition to their functionality, proteins have the biological potential to regulate the histological and organographic activity of the body, because proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids, which are joined together by peptide bonds that form long chains.

Source / Author: TheDigitalArtist, 2019

It should be emphasized that a protein usually contains several amounts of different amino acids joined by peptide bonds. From genetic interpretations, the sequence of a protein is determined by the DNA of the gene that encodes the protein, and this in turn encodes several metabolic subunits that fulfill specific functions in our organism, among which stand out; enzymatic and hormonal regulation, control of chemical signals, defensive and reserve function.

Now, having already described scientific and technical information about proteins and their importance for the health of the human species, it is necessary to link this knowledge with the great advances in technology and their implications of how they will transform what we know about the functioning of life, and to provide more complete information about the functioning of proteins in our lives.

From scientific considerations, it has been proposed that artificial intelligence can be used to predict the structures of almost all the proteins produced by the human body, this will mean the discovery of new drugs to treat degenerative diseases, as well as being able to establish biological mechanisms to correct a congenital metabolic disorder.


Kumar J A CRISPR Technology and Biomolecule Production by Synthetic Biology Approach. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: Madartzgraphics, 2016
