Teachers guide on the Ways of Making The Soil fertile



Subject:- Agricultural Science

Class:- Primary 4

Topic:- Ways of making Soil Fertile

Duration:- 35 minutes

Date:- 10th May 2020

Behavioural Objectives:-

At the end of the lesson the lesson the students should be able to:-
1. List the ways of making the soil fertility; and.
2. Define the ways listed above.

Previous knowledge:-

The students have been taught the causes of loss in soil fertility.

Instructional Material(s):-

Flip chat showing ways of improving soil fertility.



Step 1:- Ways of Making Soil Fertile.

If a soil is infertile, fewer crops grow in it and the yield from such soil will be little. The following methods are ways of improving soil fertility.

1. Manuring:-
This is done by adding dead and decomposed plant and animal materials to the soil to enrich it with nutrients.

2. Mulching:-
This is the covering of the surface of the soil close to the growing plants with materials that can decay such as grasses, leaves, palm fronds and paper. When these materials used for mulching decay, they add more nutrients to the soil. This makes the soil more fertile.

3. Crop rotation:-
This is a farming system in which a farmer grows crops in a defined order on a piece of land year out. For example, in a four year crop rotation course, four different crops are grown. Each of the crop selected is not planted twice on a plot during the four years. The growing of different types of crops in a definite sequence helps to increase soil fertility.

4. Bush fallowing:-
This is a farming system where s farmer grows crops on a piece of land for about four (4) years. The farmer then leaves the lams to rest or lie follow doe some years before he comes back to grow crops on it again. This period of rest allows the land to regain its fertility.

5. Cover Cropping:-
This is the practice of planting leguminous crops and cover crops. Leguminous crops add nitrogen from the atmosphere to the soil, while cover crops reduce soil erosion.


The teacher ask the students questions to ascertain the level of their understanding:-

1. List the ways of making the soil fertility; and.
2. Define the ways listed above.


1. What is a fertile land?
2. List two methods used in making the soil fertile.
3. What is the difference between crop rotation and mulching?

I remain


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