Teachers guide; Distribution of plants and animals species in grassland habitat.



Subject:- Biology

Class:- SS2

Topic:- Distribution of plant and animal species in grassland habitat and their adaptive features.

Duration:- 45 minutes

Date:- 5th, May 2020

Behavioural Objectives:-

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:-
1. List and draw two plants that can be found in the grassland habitat
2. List and draw two animals that can be found in the grassland habitat.

Instructional Material(s):-

A flip chart showing pictures of different animals and plant that can be found on grassland habitat.



Step 1:- Distribution of plant species in the grassland.

Plant species or varieties in grassland include acacia, elephant grass, Guinea grass, shea-butter ( Butryrospermum chappertonia), Gamba grass, baobab trees, spear grass and palm.

Adaptive features of plants in the grassland

1. Palm:-
This plant has thick bark which protects them being severely burnt.

2. Elephant:-
It has succulent stem to stare excess water against dry season and strong fibrous root system which helps to absorb water from the soil.

3. Shea butter:-
This tree has heavy and thick barks which reduce transpiration and protect them from bush fires.

4. Acacia:-
Acaera has long roots to search for ground water.

5. Spear grass:-
Spear grass has a rhizoids(underground stem) which helps the plant withstand intense heat, fire and dry season.

Step 2:- Animals species in the grassland.

The savanna seems to have a large population of animals which are different species examples of the animals include antelopes, Lizards, birds, lions, tigers, snakes, termites, rats, squirrels, deer, porcupines, grass cutters, kangaroos etc.

Adaptive features of animals in the grassland.

1. Rats:-
These animals burrow into the soil to avoid excessive heat of the sun and fire.

2. Kangaroos:-
Kangaroos posses long legs to help them escape from danger. They also have pocket of flesh to shield their young ones from hot weather attack.

3. Termites:-
They live in anthills thereby protecting themselves from danger and unfavourable climate. The anthill gives them air-conditioned nests which have cooling effects on the animals.

4. Lion, tigers and leopards:-
These animals have powerful jaws and teeth for attacking other animals. They also have high sense of small to enable them detect their prey.

5. Zebras and giraffes:-
Due to their body colours, they camouflage and their presence among tall greenish brown grasses ams trees will make them undetectable.


The teacher ask the students question to ascertain the level of their understanding:-
1. List and draw two plants that can be found in the grassland habitat
2. List and draw two animals that can be found in the grassland habitat.


1. The pocket in which kangaroo puts its children to safe them from danger is called---------
2. Draw the food chain in a grassland habitat.
3. List two factors affecting grassland habitat.

I remain


Your biology teacher

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wow, the hive blockchain is a home for knowledge. Thanks for this @glotokens


Ye it is indeed. Thanks for reading through my post.
I feel special✌✌✌


Wow. Great one. now I know how it works.
