Teaching Guide on How agriculture is importance in our lives


Subject: Agricultural Science
Topic: Meaning of Agriculture
Period: Single
Time: 45 Minute
Date: May 11, 2020

Behavioural Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should know the meaning of the word Agriculture.

Previous Knowledge:
The teacher will ask the learners to try to think about all the food they eat and where it comes from, about the farmers who tend all the crops and farm animals.



Step 1: Meaning of Agriculture
Agriculture can be defined as the science and practice of growing crops and keeping animals for food and other purposes.

Agriculture is a very old human activity. The first men who lived on earth obtained their food by gathering fruits and leaves from wild plants and their meat by hunting wild animals. They were not sure they would get enough to eat unless they worked very hard at collecting and hunting while moving from place to place.

As time went on, early man started to recognize the plants and animals which he liked most and began to grow the plants and keep the animals in order to have enough to eat whenever he wanted. Gradually, man began to learn how to best to grow these plants and keep animals to remain in one place. These places eventually developed into villages. It can therefore be seen that the settlement of man was based on primitive agriculture.

Step 2:Importance of Agriculture
Agriculture is a very important not only for our own lives but also for the entire nation. In any country, agriculture is important for the following.

  1. Food production
  2. Production of clothing and shelter
  3. Resource of revenue
  4. Help to industry
  5. Provision of jobs

Evaluation: To ascertain their level of understanding, the teacher will ask the learners the meaning of Agriculture.


  1. What is Agriculture
  2. What is the importance of agriculture.
  3. How did first men on earth obtain their food?
