Game Development for Kids with Godot Engine - How to Export to Windows Exe


In this post, we are going to take a look at How you can Export Game to Windows Executable using Godot Engine.

In previous post, I posted about how you can export your Godot Engine project to the web based output. Like HTML5 output. So just by creating a local server you could host your project for the browser which could help with the running the project.

Now that we have learned how to do this for the web export the next comes the desktop export. Considering I don't have apple machine and the apple export is something I can't afford. So I would recommend you to make use of the Windows Exports now by following the tutorial below.

I suggest you to download the Godot engine if you have not already. Also making use of the web IDE is not meant for this tutorial. So I suggest you to download and try out the godot engine on desktop for this tutorial.

Below table of content would be useful for you to follow along and use the tutorials for specific type of the output that you need. So follow along according to your requirement.

Table of Contents of Godot Engine Tutorials

As you can see exporting to the Windows is pretty easy and also you can easily use the application for the desktop usage. I have tried my best to explain the tutorial in simple and clear steps hopefully you find some value in the same.

I have added few new tutorials of the Particle effects in the Godot Engine. I may have to continue to do the same more for the Unity Engine too. So hopefully that works out for the people who want to use Unity editor. I have lot of tutorials and demo videos to make there.

Now coming back to the RPG Maker tutorials. That is something I have in my mind for doing the RPG based games in near future. I hope that these tutorials would kind of be more of my progress blog rather than anything. So I am going to be doing the content on that part too.

If you want to try out the similar game development tutorials using the gdevelop, you can follow this tutorial trail of GDevelop Tutorials.

I hope the current tutorial was useful to you.

We will continue the further game development topic in next post.
