What has the globalization process brought with it?


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One of the historical aspects that made the world was not globalized were communications, without the existence of airplanes it was impossible that we could travel from America to Europe in less time than it was done by boat.

Communications evolved until we found for example the internet, which among many other things has allowed us to communicate with a person anywhere in the world.

As we human beings want to make globalization a process that brings us closer and closer regardless of geographical distances in the world, we have accepted and assimilated all kinds of technologies that help us to be more integrated among all, allowing worldwide information to be given in different parts of the world at the same time.

The economy is a factor that has benefited greatly from globalization, since the closer countries come together and strengthen their ties of friendship, the greater the capacity to exchange goods and services, which even improves the quality of life of its inhabitants.

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Globalization has allowed people from different parts of the world to migrate to other countries with greater job opportunities and where there is a more progressive economy than their countries of origin.

Countries that welcome migrants benefit in turn from their labor force, thus expanding the production capacity of industries, and thus increasing their economy.

Companies worldwide have been able to see how globalization has facilitated the process of integration with other companies, thus improving their capacity of vision to expand markets.

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Not all aspects of globalization are positive, since being all connected economically and socially, we may experience adverse effects in terms of the environment, also culturally we may lose some forms of cultures and adopt some accounts derived from a process of unification.

Within the political framework, if the ideal of globalization expands, perhaps in the not so distant future we will be governed by a government centralized by the country that grows the most in population, natural resources and economy.

All that remains is to continue to closely evaluate the socio-cultural and economic effects as globalization expands around the world, all with the intention of analyzing the changes and whether humanity accepts these changes as positive or negative.


Globalization has many advantages and disadvantages and like you said it brings people together even when they've never seen each other face to face. It creates a bond that cannot be easily broken.

But the disadvantage of globalization as you also said is the fact that with time we might lose our culture and norms. And it that happens, it would be really hard to rewrite our wrongs.

I was really happy Reading through such powerful article today, thank you so much for sharing.


Hello friend, globalization certainly brings with it many changes, it only remains to evaluate these changes to know what direction humanity is taking.

Greetings and thanks for your comment


Fue un tema interesante el que planteaste aquí, por supuesto, la globalización tiene ventajas y desventajas. El impacto ambiental es una desventaja realmente alarmante. Fue un gusto leerte.


Hola @ramisey.

Ciertamente la globalización mejora las economías y nos acerca cada vez más, sin embargo ese progreso es un mayor gasto de los recursos de nuestro planeta y un mayor impacto ambiental negativo a nuestro planeta.

Saludos y gracias por dedicar tiempo para leer y comentar este post. Saludos.
