Delegating the construction of knowledge and releasing learning to the student of the future



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The options that constructivist knowledge gives us are valuable, if we teachers learn to invade the student's thinking with stimuli so that he can generate his own theoretical bases on which to base his future knowledge and practicality in academic learning.

It is a sense of educational independence, because when we give tools to the student so that he can learn by himself, we are generating an independence that catapults the student to build his own procedures to solve all his learning problems.

The important thing about this learning independence for the student is that while the student constructs his own ideas, it does not matter if these are subject to modification, because the student returns and rebuilds and continues learning.

In order for us as teachers to participate in a state of liberation of student learning, we must activate a dynamic and participatory teaching process, where the student learns from the different cognitive tools taught by the different educational acts in his environment.

Within the participation of a learning process where everyone participates, we must emphasize the availability of everyone to participate in the expansion of knowledge as an entity of great importance to build an endogenous model that can be maintained over time despite the ups and downs that may present the education of the future.
