RE: Female anatomy | Part II ✨


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Its purpose is protection during sexual intercourse.

Never knew this function of Mons pubis although I am still wondering it performs that function 🤔

Also, there will not always be bleeding and pain after rupture.

Never knew this also.
Was thinking it's a generalisation for all ladies..

It's a funny question but I wanted to know;
For imperforate hymen, is there need to engage In the surgery if the lady in question doesn't want to have sex all through her life?

As always, you did a great job with you explaining it in simple terms that non medical personnels could understand.
And thanks a lot for those new exposures I pointed out ..... I never knew them for real


Greetings @sperosamuel15, thank you very much for your appreciations to my publication, I appreciate it. It is for me very valuable and if I lose my way also express it to me, it is important to keep it in mind.

I am going to refer you some considerations to contribute to the discussion:
In our body nothing is superfluous, everything has a purpose and is present to fulfill a function.

Its purpose is protection during sexual intercourse.

  • This function is achieved through pubic hair and the characteristic increase of adipose tissue in the area, both elements contribute to a considerable reduction of friction, acting as shock absorbers, avoiding irritation due to friction during sexual activity. There are cultures in which both men and women depilate in that area, so they will be more subject to irritation. The question arises: to wax or not to wax? As a physician, it is my duty to contribute to education. But it is a strictly personal decision.

Also, there will not always be bleeding and pain after rupture.

  • It is true, because it will depend on the type and particular characteristics of the hymen. There are different variants, I will tell you about one called "compliant hymen" of great legal medical interest, it is a type of hymen whose tissue, unlike the others, is more elastic, so it does not break during the first intimate contact, and can remain intact despite several sexual encounters.
  • As for the imperforate hymen (congenital malformation, from birth), if the condition is complete, it will be a disadvantage for that girl because it will generate total vaginal obstruction. Complications almost always occur at the time of menarche (first menstruation), where there will be no outflow of fluid, which will generate complications.

I hope I have contributed to dispel doubts. Thanks for the interaction.
Happy week.


Ouch.. my bad
I forgot entirely that the vagina needs to be open for menstruation atleast else it might cause Haematocolpus and other malignancies.

Thanks a lot for the way you took your time to answer my doubts... Not doubts anyway cos I never doubted you.

I appreciate


Yes, it is @sperosamuel15. At least a minimum opening is required for the liquid outlet.
There is no confusion with the word "doubts", I associate it more to the understanding of my writing. Because sometimes we unintentionally write for ourselves and not for those who read them.
Always to serve. Grateful to you, for these meetings of socialization that are of great importance.
