See a simple way to raise Water Guava Fruit



Greetings, my brothers and sisters in the #homesteading community are very happy to be able to say hello and various simple farming knowledge that I will give to all of you, Greetings from me @macro1997

Hello hiver in the homesteading community...

Today I went to a neighbor around my house who was doing something unique in looking after guava fruit that had entered the harvest period. He did various ways before the harvest time. The guava tree that grows must be almost 3 years old or more and the tree it is already large and already bearing fruit, as we know the guava is a very special guava among the surrounding community, because this type of plant is easy to grow anywhere as long as it has large land or land for its growth, although the guava does not have a high price it is expensive to trade, but water guava has always been the main attraction of the community because the taste of water guava has sour and sweet so that many people around where I live have different water guava trees.


The water guava that I got is a guava that has a quite unique shape and a very distinctive taste, this guava grows in front of my neighbor's house and is now entering the harvest period, I see that there are some guavas that are still small or already have large fruit sizes. medium, water guava that is still small has a fairly sour taste because of its small size, it is not yet time to harvest it


There are several ways to do this, one of which is to provide good plastic paper to protect the water guava fruit. Installing plastic paper directly on the small fruit is a somewhat unique method and must be done. Because when the water guava fruit is wrapped in plastic fruit paper will grow quickly and the fruit will taste quite sweet, as well as pests or caterpillars will not easily attack the guava fruit so that the guava fruit is protected



This guava tree already has a planting period of more than 3 years in a strategic place and a large enough area so that the tree seems to grow so thick


My friends and I picked some fruit that was ready to be harvested, this fruit had been treated by putting it in plastic a few months ago, and the results were quite surprising. The fruit was large and the taste was quite unique, the taste was mixed with sour and sweet so I want to taste it using salt and chili, so it tastes more delicious...



that's all the simple knowledge that I give to be able to keep water guava from pests and can get water guava fruit that is large and tastes amazing, see you the next day...

Best Regard

CameraReno6 5G


Mi estimado amigo, que gusto saludarte desde Maturín en Venezuela, está fruta que nos muestras en mi país se le conoce como pumalaca, es mi fruta favorita, las hay de tres tipos, esa que es la pumalaca de agua, la pumalaca roja y otra que es más vino tinto con un sabor increíble, solo las recuerdo y se me agua la boca jejeje.


Thanks @yelimarin , sorry before I answered using English, you are absolutely right this fruit is also famous in my area, this fruit is juicy and tastes sweet and sour too
