A poem: My love on the island of longing.


Source of poetry illustration


"My love on the island of longing."

Dark nights on the islands I miss you.

The blue list of heartwarming songs made fun of my innocent self.

I am with you in the beautiful panorama of longing.

Did you know that I've always wanted to meet you?

On this island I am alone, watching you and your life story.

"Don't bother me! Get away! Get away from me!" You scream.

My boat is anchored at the silent pier...

Don't be sad honey, I'm always beside you in the shadows.


"Cintaku di pulau rindu."

Malam yang gelap di pulau-pulau aku merindukanmu.

Daftar biru lagu-lagu mengharukan mengolok-olok diriku yang polos.

Aku bersamamu dalam panorama indah kerinduan.

Tahukah kamu bahwa aku selalu ingin bertemu denganmu?

Di pulau ini aku sendirian, memperhatikanmu dan kisah hidupmu.

"Jangan ganggu aku! Pergi! Menjauh dariku!" Teriakanmu.

Perahuku berlabuh di dermaga sunyi...

Jangan sedih sayang, aku selalu disampingmu dalam bayang-bayang.

Lhokseumawe, 21 August 2022
By @new-spirit

Poetry essence.

The poem above is the original poem written by @new-spirit. So what's in it? There tells the deep longing of a servant for his lost love. Sad, happy, emotional, it's all in it. And only readers who live it wholeheartedly can know the depth of the meaning of the poem.

My greetings to all lovers of poetry literacy, and I hope you are all happy with your family at home.

Best regards


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