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Before we start let's look at the meaning of the two outstanding words. Pornography and photography.

This the explicit depiction of sexual subject matter; a display of material of an erotic nature while
Photography on the other hand is the art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces, and its digital counterpart.

Since pornography is evil and the devil is evil too he uses it to destroy many life's, just as the pictures we take do not easily erase from our mind, that's what happens to pornography when we constantly watch it, it definitely has the tendency of sticking to our minds and thereby causing create harm to us. Pornography itself is a spirit from the pit oh hell.

The devil plays this dangerous photography in our minds as we gradually allow him penetrate into our lives. The dangers of pornography is as follows:

1. It devalues sex and damages relationships:-

That means it makes the men see women as a sex doll, that's to say women are only good on bed and no other thing. Many relationship tends to crumble because the other partner doesn't seem satisfied most times always wanting more, in causes insatisfaction in relationships(marriage).
Pornographers has no interest or concern for ones well being, rather they only care about getting you hooked on their products, bringing you down to their level of morality and more so persuade you or make you feel that its normal.

2. Pornography always leave you wanting more:-

Pornography is a sin and so no sin can ever satisfy a man, you tend to move from one sin to another, you tend to crave for more of it rather than more of God, most times you wouldn't even have any feelings of remorse or even though you may have you can't stop it on your own except by the mercies of God. Most men and women you see today indulging in pornography started it right from when they were teenagers and till now they can't stop it, let me ask is that the kind of life you want? I guess NO.



3. Pornography destroys integrity:-

Some young people get deceived by thinking they will have the picture of pornography in their minds and yet still have a strong Christ life.

In other words pornography is about a lot more than just looking at pictures. It corrodes the mind, and erodes the mind of good and positive things. Will you want that to be your story? I guess No?
The funny thing in life is that what you put your mind to makes a difference. If you fill your mind with pornography, then be sure that negativity will flow out of you, it will influence the way you think of girls and how you treat them.
We are quite away that sexual desires is like a fire that needs to be kept under control so when you continually watch pornographic movies and look at pornography pictures it will fuel that fire of sexual desires, so be warned.
When a guy lost after a woman he sees in pornography, the images tends to burn in his memory so deeply that they never totally disappear.
And we know that lusting after a woman is sinful and its not just a mental thing. See what Jesus said in Matthew 5:28

28.But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I will talk more on this topic of pornography next time. But for the mean time let me stop here.
I pray God gives us more insight to this topic and gives victory to those struggling with this deadly beast, Amen. Shalom
Happy Sunday.
Much love💓💟💞

I remain


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