RE: Tutorial y soluciones para reparar una memoria USB dañada. (ESP-ENG).


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I've known a lot of people who do not know how to properly eject their flash drives before unplugging them from the USB port.
I asked them why they did not safely eject it prior, they would answer that it is not causing any problems for them. The same person, at a later time, says that their flash drive is either corrupted or not functioning properly. 😁

Anyways, thanks for this very useful article.



Greetings friend, thank you very much for reading my blog. Without a doubt, in the world of technology, many things depend on luck. The case you were telling me about is very common, many people extract their flash memory without expelling it from the operating system, by doing it a couple of times nothing may happen but the time may come when our luck runs out😅. It is best to try to eject these devices safely and avoid trouble later. Well friend, I thank you again for reading and for leaving me your good comment. Have a good day. Greetings.
