Bird watching: Drongos which are black and aggressive

Among the birds that I used to think of as heroes as a child were the Black Drongos. I have seen at that time that these Drongos fight with similar birds like Shalik, Doel, etc. So the other birds were afraid of the Drongos and ran away. As the numbers of these birds are dwindling, you will see very few of them now. I saw the bird on a dead bamboo and took a few pictures. I was really lucky there because the bird was very agile.

You can recognize drongos by looking for their long tails that split in two. This is how I identify them from a distance. The Drongos you see in the picture are Black Drongos. They have short legs that allow them to sit upright and grip anything tightly with their claws. Their whole body is covered with medium length hair and their wings are long which makes them fast.





When drongos hunt, they catch flies from the ground. They usually eat insects so you will see them in crop fields. Faster speed makes them easier to hunt. These birds sit for some time and keep an eye on the prey. It pounces on prey whenever it finds it.

You may see Drongos attacking other birds because they are aggressive. It plays a major role in protecting their chicks. They usually build nests and lay eggs in high branches. Once they lay 2-4 eggs and they hatch. It is unlikely that birds of the same size will invade their home and eat the eggs. Their eyes are very fierce and their lips are very sharp. If you look at the faces of Drongos, you might mistake them for crows.

Although this bird is black, it is very beautiful, and its singing voice is also beautiful. They call very shortly and intermittently. The most amazing thing is to imitate this bird call. They duplicate mail only when they need it. Wikipedia says they can mimic five types of calls. Although it looks like a common bird, it has caught people's attention due to some of its extraordinary features. Young children love this bird more because of their aggressive nature and make kites in the pattern of this bird.

Sadly, the number of Drongos has dwindled and it is feared that it is going extinct. I rarely see them now. Their low rate of reproduction may be an important point in the field. Humans do not hunt them but environmental damage by humans can lead to their extinction. As they eat insects in crop fields and pesticides used in crop fields, they can die. As insects are being killed for people's sake, they may migrate elsewhere due to a lack of food.

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You captured great shots of the Drongos. It’s sad to see there numbers are decreasing.
