Fascinating how spider feeds on cockroach.





Giant Spider Feeds on Cockroach

I was shocked at what I saw this morning in my bathroom, the moment I open the bathroom door what I saw was really wired to me I didn’t find it funny at all to me it looks as I am feeding on a lion, now I hope you are thinking what I am thinking? I began to wonder how on earth a spider could feed on a cockroach then I remembered sprinkling water infected with chemicals to kill any creeping thing. I had to do that because these guys turn my house into their supermarket eating whatsoever they came across and it isn’t good for my health. Most especially cockroaches, they are bad and have what it takes to kill humans before it gets out of hand I bought that chemical sprinkle around those areas they visit the most.

Just yesterday while arranging the house I brought out a dead cockroach I was happy at least I can sleep in peace, it dawned on me that it could have been one of the dead cockroaches the spider is feeding on. I know on he/her own it would be impossible to fight the cockroach and overcome it. those guys have power and don’t die easily except killed by strong chemicals like the one I used on them. For some reason, I felt pity for the spider hehe, because he is ignorantly digging his own grave eating something that is already poisoned. The spider will definitely die when the chemical enters its mouth that’s if it has one.

I also wonder how the spider was able to lift the cockroach up on the wall, maybe it was very hungry just as it is with us humans, we can do anything for the food just to make sure we are satisfied that’s just how the spider felt. If I had seen that spider on a normal day I would have made sure it was dead before I rest but seeing this one now I couldn’t even do anything because I know it's time are being numbered on planet earth. I watched for some time how he managed to feed on that cockroach and how big the spider mouth is that he alone has the cockroach for breakfast. I do wonder what do spiders feeds on, now I won’t be asking that again.




So I just decided to share with you my findings this morning. The pictures you saw were all shot by me with my infinix smart HD. Hope you enjoyed reading through my post? You can drop your comment contribution on the comment section of the post. And less I forget all comment, reblogs, and support is sincerely appreciated do stay safe guy and please stay tuned to my blog for more.



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That's a huntman spider right? Those guys are creepy as hell. But actually they very don't-mind-me kinda spiders. If you make a loud noise they will just run away in the opposite direction of the sound


That's a huntsman spider, right?

yes exactly.

yeah they are very creepy they kinda scare me I was surprised I had the guts to take this shots while he was busy eating hehe
