Cryptocurrency: We Need To Fund Moonshots

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Technology is making huge progress. However, we are actually falling behind the long term technological trendline.

In this video, I discuss what is holding things back and how we need to think about and fund the moonshots for humanity.

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All of these barriers to innovation will keep the progress in check. I've been watching over the past several years watching how government agencies become wishy-washy on moving forward with cryptocurrency adoption. And I see public adoption being masterfully manipulated by regulatory misinformation and oversight.


In this video, Task discusses the need for a shift in the current system towards innovation and radical ideas through cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. He emphasizes the importance of thinking bigger, funding moonshots, and decentralizing systems to drive societal change. Task advocates for freedom of speech and money, aiming to eliminate rent seekers and empower people to drive innovation collectively. He underscores the importance of community involvement, education, and collaborative efforts to challenge existing power structures and propel major advancements.

Detailed Article:
Task starts by urging a departure from the current system, advocating for a fresh start focusing on innovation and radical ideas. He criticizes the stagnation in innovation levels, attributing it to monopolies, control, and profit-making motives hindering progress. Task emphasizes the need for more moonshots – ambitious and revolutionary projects – to move society forward, with cryptocurrency playing a crucial role in funding such endeavors.

He highlights the importance of decentralization, open-source technologies, and the potential of blockchain to drive innovation and collaboration. Task envisions a future where automation and decentralized systems empower individuals to fund projects and catalyze change. He critiques existing power structures dominated by large corporations and governments, stressing the need for innovation to come from decentralized groups resistant to buyouts or censorship.

Task underscores the importance of freedom of speech and money in the crypto world, advocating for systems that exclude rent seekers and promote a free market of ideas. He calls for the community to engage, educate, and contribute to the growth of these innovative technologies. Task believes that the gap between the crypto world and traditional finance is narrowing, presenting an opportunity for societal change driven by grassroots movements and major moonshot projects.

In conclusion, Task urges individuals to challenge the existing financial system, envisioning a future where radical ideas and collective efforts lead to significant societal transformations. He emphasizes the power of decentralized networks, community involvement, and disruptive technologies in driving progress and reshaping the course of humanity. By encouraging bold thinking and collective action, Task envisions a future where innovation and decentralization pave the way for a more prosperous and equitable society.
