Western science meets Chinese mystery!


Why do I respect @valued-customer as my senior?
From my point of view, he admits the Chinese's strengths and weaknesses on an equal footing with the Americans.

@patriamreminisci is certainly an interesting writer of Chinese shortcomings, but has a strong tendency to Orientalism.
It is true that the United States is a more advanced country than China, as he argued, but the Chinese people's world culture and historical achievements are huge.
In particular, the achievement of China's creation of East Asian civilization and world cannot be denied.

Because @patriamreminisci has received special attention and love from the Chinese for five years, he probably has a special feeling for China and the Chinese.
His feelings toward China and the Chinese are probably expressed in the word asshole.😄
Perhaps reading @patriamreminisci's Chinese Arabian Nightmare has shocked and amazed countless people.
I especially remember @roleerob being in anger and shock after reading @patriamreminisci's articles.😄

As @patriamreminisci argues, the reality of the lower class in China will be miserable.
Korean scholars estimate that approximately 600 million Chinese slaves(=the lower class) currently exist.
@patriamreminisci's argument is some emotional, but I think it's mostly correct.
Perhaps most Americans were shocked and amazed as they read the tabloid by @patriamreminisci. I did too.

I am aware of the existence of so many slaves in modern China, but I am not surprised because China has been a civilization built by slaves since ancient times.
Perhaps Americans know better than me about modern China and its backwardness, inhumanity, and feudalism.
So, I intend to write about the mysterious and amazing inventions and achievements of the ancient Chinese.

While most Americans were interested in the backwardness of modern China, @valued-customer seemed to be interested in the achievements and greatness of the ancient Chinese.

In fact, I decided to write this article because I need advice and help from @valued-customer.
I thought that a genius @valued-customer with outstanding insight and understanding of East Asians and civilization would be able to solve my question.😄

I was shocked to see the mummy of Chinese aristocratic woman made 2200 years ago.
Western scientists admired and amazed that it was the best mummy in human history.
Western genius scientists who resemble @valued-customer couldn't find an answer to how the Chinese made mummy 2200 years ago.

Scientists in the United States and Europe were only admiring the perfection when looking at the mummy of Chinese woman.
Western scientists assessed that the Chinese' mummification technique surpassed those of ancient Egyptians.😨

Even though ancient Chinese civilization occurred about 2000 years later than Egypt, why did it have superior mummification technology than Egypt?

Watching the video of dissecting the mummy, I was shocked.😨
It was so vivid that it was hard to believe that it was a body from 2200 years ago. As I watched the doctors touch the decaying corpse with their bare hands, I learned why doctors were paid a lot of money.

The woman's body was in a strong acidic solution, and the doctors who touched it had a terrible skin disease.
Doctors dissected the body while enduring the terrible odor.
In her lifetime, she lived like a queen, but after her death, the fate of a woman who must expose her decaying naked body to the touch of several men is sad.
Can my esteemed senior @valued-customer touch those decaying bodies with bare hands for the advancement of science?😱

Even if I get a million dollars, I won't touch her body. I'm afraid that rotting corpse will come out in my dreams.😱
By the way, the question I want to know most is how the ancient Chinese made that woman's mummy.

Perhaps Western scientists claim that the mummy's immersed acidic solution prevented it from decaying.
I came to this conclusion because of my current lack of English skills.

I would like to ask what my esteemed senior @valued-customer thinks.

Can the American genius solve the mystery of ancient China?😄


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Thanks for the publicity. :)
It's true what you said about my feelings toward the Chinese, and that largely stems from the "special attention" I've gotten from them, as you so rightly put it.

But yes, China's cultural achievements (at least prior to the Yuan Dynasty) were impressive.

And frankly, Americans have no clue about China. There are the panda-huggers who believe everything China says about themselves (Henry Kissinger is a great example), and there are those whose experience with China has been a string of nightmares one after the other (such as me).


merry christmas! @patriamreminisci, Are there many coronavirus casualties in the US right now? In Korea, American casualties are predicted to reach millions.
I wish your health and fortune! How are you now?

And frankly, Americans have no clue about China. There are the panda-huggers who believe everything China says about themselves (Henry Kissinger is a great example), and there are those whose experience with China has been a string of nightmares one after the other (such as me).

Koreans know the hidden secrets of the Chinese because they have enjoyed war and peace with the Chinese for 2000 years.
However, because Chinese capital currently dominates Korea, Koreans pretend to be unaware of China's inhumanity and brutality.
Since you are an American, you dare to provocate against the Chinese government, but I am not. So, I envy freedom as your American.😄

I look forward to your new works of Chinese history.


It will be a little while before I add another about Chinese history. I took 2020 as a break to focus on something I found more interesting (Russia), and I have resolved 2021 is going to be my year to focus on everything I can find about Tibet, specifically China's centuries of aggression toward them.
I'm working on two Book reviews about Russia and then it'll be time to plunge back into the fray and start attacking China with a vicious assault of facts again.


Oh, and as for Coronavirus casualties, that depends how you measure them. We have the world's most paranoid definition of "confirmed case (anyone with a single positive test)," we count cases in the most idiotic way (a person who tests positive three times during quarantine is counted as three cases) and the broadest definition of casualties (anyone who died with any of the symptoms is counted as a coronavirus death), so our stats are going to be ridiculous, but the total number of Americans who died this year was not a huge increase over the number who died in any recent year, so something is off.
All in all, we did a poor job of containing it (our society is built on "never obey any order" so lockdowns didn't fly), but we did an impressive job of treating it. In short, many got sick, few died.


Oh, and as for Coronavirus casualties, that depends how you measure them. We have the world's most paranoid definition of "confirmed case (anyone with a single positive test)," we count cases in the most idiotic way (a person who tests positive three times during quarantine is counted as three cases) and the broadest definition of casualties (anyone who died with any of the symptoms is counted as a coronavirus death), so our stats are going to be ridiculous, but the total number of Americans who died this year was not a huge increase over the number who died in any recent year, so something is off.

Hmm, South Korean media and broadcasters are saying that the casualties of the coronavirus in the US are increasing rapidly.
They claim that Trump's irresponsibility and incompetence have led to a surge in US coronavirus casualties.
They claim that Trump was defeated by Biden because he failed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

All in all, we did a poor job of containing it (our society is built on "never obey any order" so lockdowns didn't fly), but we did an impressive job of treating it. In short, many got sick, few died.

Perhaps Korean media and broadcasters seem to be very pessimistic about the situation in the United States.
In my opinion, Korean media and broadcasters dominated by Chinese capital seem to distort and manipulate facts.
