Zinc Is An RNA Replicase Inhibitor


Chloroquine/Hydroxy Chloroquine and Zinc are a one two punch to the Covid19. Let me explain or you can just TLDR down to the video by a certified Doctor. Actually his video is much better.

Covid19 uses a protein called the spike (S) protein to enter your cells and begin replicating. The S protein latches onto your cell's ACE-2 receptor. Once that happens the virus can inject it's RNA into the cell hi-jacking your cell's replication system.

Chloroquine does two things, one it blocks the ACE-2 receptor so the virus can not enter the cell. The second job it has is helping Zinc enter the cell. Chloroquine is an ionophore which means it can pass ions through the cell membrane. This means it can take zinc and pass it directly into the cell. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4182877/

When zinc is in your cells it can block the virus' RNA replicase. It's like a fire extinguisher if the chloroquine should fail to stop the virus.

There it is, pretty easy to understand. I urge you to watch the Dr.'s videos. They are easy to understand and visually great!

The more you know about the virus the better you can protect you and yours. Stay safe!
