#fungifriday; The Last Song


I didn’t set out this morning planning on looking for mushrooms, taking pictures, or even writing about them. I was actually going to do a post about my lawn mower, lame!

Yet, here we are so get ready for my #FungiFriday fun challenge by @ewkaw.


It was still dark out this morning after I dropped the kids off at kindergarten at 7:45, and I had my dog along with me. He normally rides along it’s my way of getting him used to strangers as we live alone in the country.

Pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards home something stopped me. There was an inward push for me to head out the the town forest were I usually walk foraging for mushrooms.

I guess I have a little time, I thought as I turned the car around.

Now the sun was slowly coming up and smothered by a dense patch of fog turning the forest atmosphere into an orange tinted hue with underlying mossy green tones.

My dog and I walked out to my normal spot but I could already sense my magical friends (Amanita muscaria) had left, it was an empty hall.

There was still a feeling of energy there, however it was different. The was a resonate echo in the air, but the source of energy had left.

The feeling reminded me of when I used to visit Civil War battlefields in the in United States. You could just feel that something significant had taken place.

I wasn’t searching for mushrooms, I was just walking and noticing the sensations around me. I thought about the first Amanita I found this season (only a short few weeks ago) and the childish glee I felt popping around the forest filled with energy and curiosity, the forest still fresh and filled with summer.

Now I had the mentality of a wise old man. Slowly perusing the autumn wood. No expectations, no excitement, just there to take it all in.


There were still fungi specimens to be seen like this very interesting circle of mushrooms. It is a species that I cannot identify and I am hoping someone here can.


Here is a close up of one of them. I think it’s a spotted toughshank, but I am think you would need to see the spores to be certain.

After a while it was time to go. The obligations of everyday life were calling me home and even though I was really enjoying listening to the silent forest, I knew it was time to leave.

On the way back to my car I came to a path that I know, but rarely venture down. I took it.

I laughed to myself and thought that there must be an Amanita down there calling me, why else would I take this way?

As the path narrowed, I went deeper and deeper into the woods. A beacon was directing me pulsating more and more intense with each step I took.

Soon, I found my self entirely off the path and wandering down a random row of trees.


There it was. A solitary, red beacon growing up through the brown forest floor. The last Amanita.

It is rare to see them alone and here it was, calling to me from miles away. It had so many things to teach me.



Looks like the forest is getting ready for winter. I can imagine how peaceful it was to walk around...in silence.. (except the mushrooms calling you of course).
Happy FungiFriday :)


SUPERB photos! I love the fairy ring and that Amanita wow so beautiful and oh the tree in the first photo!! What a beauty!! Needless to say I am resteeming this. Thanks for deciding to take a walk in the woods.


I was picking Chanterelles today (a bumper crop) and found a couple A. muscaria, an opened cap and a button. Never tried it before, although I hear rumors. Are the white bumps concentrations of strychnine? Should I just eat the cap? Dry it first, smoke it, inject it into my eyeball?




I’m not sure about the white dots, that’s the remnants of the bulb. But the mushroom itself contains ibotonic acid and Muscimol. Both are nice but Muscimol makes you feel good and hallucinate. Too much acid and you will get sick. If you dry it with heat it will convert the acid to Muscimol. The. You need to boiled the dry ones (15 grams dried per 1 cup water) for about 25 min. Then you can drink it. The problem is you never know how much is one mushroom each one is different so I would start with a small dose and see how you feel. I have a couple posts that good into detail on how to make the tea. I would t smoke it, but when foraging you could try a small piece raw and you will feel really good.


Well, I heard rumors of strychnine. Glad they are dispelled! I picked them today, and they are chilling in the fridge. I have some stuff to handle tomorrow, so maybe I'll try a nibble after, to see if I want to burrow under my house and hide or not.



inject it into my eyeball?

in this case you probably could never find and pick up any new ones A.Muscaria, right? probably this move will not bring you a full tree of further good decisions, so it would be a bad tactic, me thinks.

all the best, and looking forward to mor eposts from you.

PS. lethal dose of A.Muscaria is considered to be contained in 5-6 shrooms. ive heard the rumours.


Just a joke. I heard about hippies putting liquid Lysergic acid in their eyes when I was a kid, and the ludicrous image stuck with me.
