Researchers Say An Omega-3 Mainly Found in Fish Might Help Poison Tumors


There is an omega-3 fatty acid that might help to poison tumors according to researchers who have been investigating the connection.

They say that 3D tumors had disintegrated within a few days thanks to DHA, an omega-3 found mostly in fish, the tumor cells eat the DHA and are unable to store it which ends up resulting in their demise.

DHA otherwise known as docosahexaenoic acid is something that researchers insist is crucial to brain function and can help with the regulation of inflammatory phenomena.

They've also noted a reduction in the incidence of cancer that's associated with this omega-3 fatty acid as well.

In their study the researchers used a 3D tumor cell culture system and they found that with the DHA that the tumors would grow at first and then they would implode.

After the researchers also administered a DHA-enriched diet to mice who had tumors, as a part of their study, they discovered that tumor development significantly slowed for the mice that were eating a DHA-rich diet, compared to the mice that were on a conventional diet.

The results from this study help to strengthen the notion of the importance of DHA, especially in fighting cancer, say researchers, but more investigation is needed to better understand the connection.

Other research on Omega-3 acids has also suggested that they might provide other benefits for wellness, including increasing life expectancy by as much as 5 years.

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