RE: The Next Nuclear Plants Will Be Small, Svelte, and Safer — WIRED


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I’ll admit to a bit of NIMBY skepticism. When I was a kid, the solution to the nuclear waste problem was “just around the corner”. 50+ years later, the solution is “just around the corner”.

I don't know what exactly is the problem? Are people still worried about keeping them sealed at a remote location away from populations or damaging wildlife? Sure, the decay will take forever, but why does that matter?

Not like anyone ever plans on visiting a landfill on regular basis and concerned about what environmental impact they have on the surrounding area. Hell, do people even want to make landfills disappear?

It's a silly worry in my opinion, especially when there exist first world countries that use them and they do just fine for the most part.

Until solar power can meet the demands (as well as cheap and simple maintenance), I think nuclear should be considered as a serious option. It's literally the most effective source of energy in the universe.


Are people still worried about keeping them sealed at a remote location away from populations or damaging wildlife?

Very much so. The Federal government may love the idea of burying it in Nevada but people in Nevada aren’t pleased with the idea. When some waste was moved out of South Carolina a few years back to be shipped to Nevada, the Feds pointedly kept it secret until after it had been done. I believe that even states that it transited through were not notified. Oh yes, many people don’t want to have anything to do with nuclear waste.

And a huge amount of waste is still stored at power plants because of the politically difficult path of moving it anywhere. Dozens of outdoor casks at the Prairie Island nuclear plant not far from Minneapolis for instance.


The fear is somewhat unjustified. Like I said, ain't nobody asking them landfills to move and those leak toxins into the ground without containers.
