Sugar dissolves more quickly in hot water




Sugar dissolves more quickly in hot water

Hello Steemian
When the weather is hot we will definitely feel happy when drinking iced tea. The sweetness of sugar will make us more powerful. Thirst is also gone because it's satisfied by a glass of iced tea.
but do you know that when making iced tea we have to add sugar and stir it? When is the right time to add sugar and stir it? Is it when the water has been added to ice tea, or when the water is still hot and then added sugar and stir? Let's try to discuss the problem in a simple way.

Solubility of sugar

The correct way to make iced tea is to dissolve sugar while the water is still hot and then add ice. We will have difficulty dissolving sugar when the water has cooled due to the addition of ice. Sugar can dissolve in hot water more easily than cold water.
Water that is hotter temperature, the molecules will move faster. As a result, hot water molecules will form a larger space so that the distance between hot water particles and the cohesion between hot water particles is greater than the distance between particles and the tensile forces between cold water particles except at the maximum volume.
Furthermore, sugar and salt molecules more easily enter / dissolve between hot water molecules where the distance between particles is low and the adhesion force between hot water molecules and sugar is greater than the cohesion force between the particles themselves. Whereas in cold water, the molecules form a narrower space except for the minimum volume. The pulling force will be stronger and the salt or sugar molecules will be difficult to enter between the cold water molecules because the water and sugar or salt's adhesion force has smaller cohesion force.

When stirring, hot water particles move faster and pound more sugar particles. The more water molecules that crash strongly will make the sugar dissolve faster. in cold water the slow movement of molecules makes when stirring will produce fewer collisions so that sugar does not dissolve easily.
well, now we know why when sugar tea iced sugar is dissolved when the water is still hot then added ice. Instead of adding ice first, then sugar is added.
Thus all my writing this time may useful for all of us.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.


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