Psychology : entrepreneur vs salaried person


Do you know that the mind set of a person, determines his success, happiness and most of the measure element of his life ? When it comes to psychology, the way an entrepreneur or business man thinks is very different from the thinking of a salaried person.

The very basic difference is the way both of them give value to time and mental energy.

When the entrepreneur is more focused on his time, rather than money, a salaried person gives more respect to money and not time. Its simple, because for a business man its the idea and execution of the plan is more important. The new idea will give him more money, where as for a salaried person, earning is fixed.

Another example, a salaried person always wish to get the cheapest mode of communication (like public bus or changing trains), here he wastes much more time, but saves penny. While in case of a entrepreneur, he choose the fastest way to commute , though he has to spend more. Time is here more important than money.

Salaried persons always in search of coupons or offers for a purchase. But an entrepreneur gives no attention to such things. He rather think to use this searching time to think something interesting about the product or the business.

So in all the above examples, its clear that an entrepreneur gives his very effort to value the time. Time is money for them and they are really the busiest people thinking about the new ideas every time. But in other hand a salaried person gives the similar effort to save their money.
